The Justice Department says Virginia is illegally striking voters off of voter rolls


  1. From the article:

    *RICHMOND, Va. — The U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Virginia election officials Friday that accuses the state of striking names from voter rolls in violation of federal election law.*

    *The lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Alexandria says that an executive order issued in August by Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin requiring daily updates to voter lists to remove ineligible voters violates federal law. The National Voter Registration Act requires a 90-day “quiet period” ahead of elections for the maintenance of voter rolls.*

    It seems they think cheating is the only way they can win?

  2. This happened to my friend in Virginia. He votes every election, but this year was removed and marked inactive voter.

  3. Well, duh! If they removed them prior to the 90 days then the people they are disenfranchising might learn about it and take appropriate measures!

  4. After I confirmed my VA registration online about two weeks ago, I printed it and brought it with me when I voted today. I didn’t need it but was ready to dispute any mention of not being registered.

  5. Republicans and their dirty games. Someone needs to answer for this, otherwise, they will do something much worse than this

  6. “Virginians — and Americans — will see this for exactly what it is: a desperate attempt to attack the legitimacy of the elections in the Commonwealth, the very crucible of American Democracy,” Youngkin said of the Justice Department’s lawsuit.

    One among countless others.

    Check your registration, early and often. Vote as early as possible.

  7. Is it imaginable that the Feds could show up in VA to put a firm and practical stop to this? It sounds like the republicans are trying to burn it down as fast as possible. It would probably take quite a bit of effort and time to re-establish voter registrations.

  8. Quirky_Cheetah_271 on

    pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin should all do the same thing. purge rural white male voters from the rolls for any reason you can find. lets see how they like it.

  9. ColorMeSchocked on

    All they can do is cheat and lie and cause chaos.

    That is the party of Trump.

    They will actively take away voters they know that will not vote for their hate-filled-orange-slime.

    God help us all if these people succeed.

    Step up folks and take the fight to these spineless gop monsters.

  10. We could use a voting rights act to prevent states with a history of this from doing so without pre-clearance by the Justice Department. I wonder if that’s something congress passed, and never rescinded.

  11. If it’s violating federal law, why is this a lawsuit? Why arent the people responsible being charged with crimes???

  12. Only in the US the BASTION OF FREEDOM is it so fucking hard vote. Quite interesting. Meanwhile in Canada you move? Don’t matter. Show up the day of the election with your ID and vote and juat write your new address there. No prior registration BULLSHIT every CITIZEN should be able to vote.

    I am absolutely flabbergasted every election cycle with the US and their republican anti freedom shitstain.

  13. RealPersonResponds on

    It appears many states are planning to do this, and then expect Court litigation delays to run out the clock, because if they can’t win your vote they are going to stop you from voting. There was no fraud in the 2020 election, just too many of the so-called wrong people voted, the wrong people being legal US citizens who didn’t vote for their candidate for president. Send this tired old man packing!

  14. Without reading the article, I’m gonna silently guess which party wanted to do it, and which voters were “striked off”

  15. Check your registration and vote early so if you’re “accidentally” purged from the voter rolls that day you have time to fix it.

  16. JadeSpeedster1718 on

    *rushes to check my registration*

    Luckily I am still active in the system. 😂💀

    Sadly my area doesn’t have an early voting place, not that I know of. But I screenshot my registration and going to try to get to printed.

  17. This should be required to be done a year out from elections. There’s no legitimate reason for it to be so close to the election

  18. I don’t understand the point of doing a purge in Virginia. We have same day voter registration. Like if you get purged and go to vote, you can just register again at the polls on Election Day right? So what’s the purpose of even doing a purge?

    Edit: changed wording for clarity.

  19. notyomamasusername on

    Just as the GOP planned… And they’ll get away with it because our institutions are too fucking weak and/or compromised to actually protect our rights.

  20. We need to amend the Constitution in order to set voter rights and methods of registry at the Federal level and get the politics out of the process of voting if we’re to continue to function as a Republic