1964 U.S. Presidential Election, Results by Congressional District

Posted by Kiernan1992


  1. Look at South Los Angeles and look at the Southern United States and you can see just how strongly the black vote was being surprise in Alabama, Mississippi, and the other southern states.

  2. Goldwater lost to Johnson in a landslide defeat.

    His “no” vote on the Civil Rights Act cost him the support of many prominent Republicans, including Gov. George W. Romney, Mitt’s dad.

    Contrary to popular belief, Barry Goldwater wasn’t a segregationist. He supported integration. He just thought the CRA was unconstitutional due to its mandate on private businesses. This article from [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/goldwater-girl/) explains it better than I can.

    Still, the no vote did win him fans in the Deep South, which Republicans couldn’t even dream of winning before that.

  3. I like how it just skips philly, in tge breakdown. Even though it was like the 3rd biggest city at the time. No big deal. Everybody does that. We don’t care.

  4. why is that specific part of the bay area (west sf) way darker blue than the surrounding area?