In the recent Darknet Diaries podcast episode 150, the American who claimed to be the author of the Sub7 software is confronted by the real creator: a Romanian. The conversation is absolutely hilarious:

A background for those who don’t know what it is: Sub7 is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that appeared in the late 90s. This type of software allowed users to take remote control of infected computers, thus allowing access to data and resources of the affected system.

For over 6 years, an American from Florida claimed to be the author and managed to convince enough people to get interviews with journalists from the Rolling Stones and CBS Miami, as well as the creator of the Darknet Diaries podcast (episode 20). Although many suspected that he was lying, especially those who knew the tool better (there were references to BUG Mafia in the tool), at the beginning of October it was finally confirmed that he is an impostor.

Cine își mai amintește de troianul Sub7? A fost creat de un român.
byu/valtyr_farshield inRomania

Posted by valtyr_farshield


  1. Alternative_View7069 on

    Prin 2006-2010 aveam un executabil ce il trimiteam pe yahoo messenger ( ii schimbai iconita in mp3, jpg etc ) si cand il accesai nu se intampla nimic vizibil. Avand conversatia deschisa cu cel caruia i-ai trimis executabilul puteai rula CMD si tastand comanda “netstat -n” ii puteai afla IP-ul ( era asignat la un port anume) apoi cu versiunea de teamviewer de atunci te puteai conecta la PC-ul “victimei”. Imi amintesc ca executabilul se instala undeva in system32 intr-un folder ascuns. Nu am auzit de sub7 dar ma voi interesa dar voiam sa stiu daca era similar celui ce l-am descris mai sus.

  2. Foarte tare seria si cum i-a pus pe amandoi sa discute. Cine ar fi crezut ca bug mafia ar fi proba decisiva intr-o chestie de genul.

  3. Hah, azi am ascultat primul meu episod din podcastul ăsta, destul de neplanificat, și s-a întâmplat să fie despre asta