US believes Iran is extremely nervous as it awaits Israel’s response to missile attacks


  1. It’s funny that the government that says “please don’t retaliate” has a large banner showcasing what they did. Sends a mixed message.

  2. Israel is going to do what Israel feels is the appropriate response to Iran’s missile attack despite what the US whats as a solution.

  3. That’s good. It seems the message is finally getting through.

    All of the misinformation and cruelty in the world will not stop the truth and justice from being visited upon evil when the time comes.

    Now is the time for the Iranian people to take their futures back from this evil regime.

  4. There’s another thread from this evening about the same US intelligence saying Iran probably isn’t trying to build a nuke.

    It’s likely this isn’t the result of espionage and wire tapping – I’d bet Iran is telling the us “listen, we’re not going to build a nuke, please, we’re serious, protect us.” 

    They know this could go massively tits up for them. 

    Iran is one bad day away from a revolution. Massive attacks on civilian and infrastructure is a damn sure way to push their people over the edge.

  5. It’s time to just end these terrorist parties. Just get rid of them. Look at the Middle East in the early 20th century before these extremists came to power.

  6. PeregrinePacifica on

    The international equivalent of “I’m gonna hit you back, but not right now. It’ll come when you least expect it.”

    Like Brian did to Stewie in that one family guy episode.

  7. Imagine if Israel just kept flying jets near Irans airspace… “oh.. todays the day, let’s prepare” then nothing.

    Then do the same thing the next day, and the next. Eventually, Iran says “lol, they’re just trolling”

    Then boom.

  8. DefinitelyNotPeople on

    I’d be nervous, too, if a superior military power was planning an attack against me and has said, publicly, that it’ll be serious and painful.

  9. U.S. intelligence has detected that for many consecutive days, Iranian leaders have been wearing brown pants. This indicates that they are extremely nervous.

  10. Not hard to tell if they are nervous. If I was in the Iranian government (heck, if I was an Iranian in Iran period) I’d be crapping bricks if I learned some jackhole in my country greenlit the firing of 180 ballistic missiles into a country which has a no-tolerance policy for acts of war, much the less if said country is also extra prickly due to being in 2 other wars.

  11. They should be. It’s a bad time to be a terrorist leader involved in attacking Israel right now.

  12. >But Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have told both the US and Iran that they will not allow Israel to use their airspace to strike Iran, the Arab diplomat and another source familiar with the matter told CNN. Jordan also will protect its airspace from any unauthorized intrusion, regardless of the origin, a Jordanian official said.

    I’m pretty sure they don’t even have the ability to prevent Israel from using their airspace.

    >But the US has still urged Tehran, through backchannels, to calibrate its response ~~if~~ when Israel attacks, an official said.

  13. TheMagicalLawnGnome on

    It’s like when you have an argument with your wife, and you go a bit too far and say something mean that you shouldn’t have said, and she just makes eye contact and goes really quiet…and you’re just standing there, waiting, watching clips of your life replay in your head, as you await the unholy wrath that’s about to be visited upon you, hoping you live to see the sun rise once again.