Dear swarm intelligence,

We just opened up a pack of sports gummies and talked about the classic unique flavors. Then we realized that we actually have no idea and can’t taste which color is supposed to be which flavor. According to the website, there will be orange, raspberry, tangerine, cherry and grape. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful with our research on the Internet, so our question is whether anyone here might know the solution. Please help us otherwise I won’t be able to sleep today.

Posted by TheNjoyy


  1. also ich unterteil das in
    Künstlicher geschmak gelb, künstlicher geschmack rot, künstlicher geschmack grün, künstlicher geschmack orange

    aber positiv künstlich. so wie ich den künstlichen bananen geschmack der schokobananen hart feiere.

  2. Flying_Octofox on

    also laut Homepage sind die Geschmacksrichtungen Orange, Himbeere, Mandarine, Kirsche und Traube, vielleicht hilft dir das ein bisschen beim raten