JD Vance says ‘they want you to live in a pod, eat bugs and own nothing’ at bizarre North Carolina event



  1. theindependentonline on

    Before Senator JD Vance took the stage at a town hall in Greensboro, North Carolina, attendees said he piqued their interest [because of the civility he showed toward](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-tim-walz-debate-polling-who-wins-b2622791.html) his Demoratic opponent for vice president, Governor Tim Walz, [during their sole debate](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-tim-walz-debate-weird-republicans-b2622890.html).

    “I think he was very smooth with everything that he said,” Chase Johnson from Graham, North Carolina, told *The Independent*. “Actually one of the better debates we’ve had in the long time, probably the most civil debate since Obama and Romney.”

    READ MORE HERE: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-harris-impression-eat-bugs-nc-b2627932.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-harris-impression-eat-bugs-nc-b2627932.html)

  2. Isn’t this more in line with what his techno fascist buddies like Thiel want? Projecting.

  3. troubadoursmith on

    Amazingly enough, even this fucking nonsense is a confession in the form of an accusation. The dude does hang out with Peter Thiel

  4. If I asked a Language Learning Model to write a speech sounding like it was a Trump voter that spends too much time in Twitter and listens to Joe Rogan this is exactly what it would write. Literally just greatest hits of the dumbest common 4chan and Twitter magachamber obsessions.

  5. RamonaQ-JunieB on

    What the hell does this even mean? Is he trying to out crazy Trump? It’s a start but he’s got a long way to go.

  6. Trump_is_a_L0SER on

    This is a DIRECT Alex Jones/infowars line. That’s what he says when he’s quoting “the globalists.” Vance is truly preaching to the choir with this one. 

  7. TheyCallMeSlyFox on

    I know we laugh about it, but to the millions of Americans already spun up by the propaganda of the right, this just adds fuel to an everlasting flame of hatred for their political enemies. The right is angry and everyday are told things to grow that anger. Win or lose, that anger is ultimately going to turn to action. We’ve seen it at an individual level far too often. January 6 gave us a preview of what mass-action might look like.

    We need to Make America Happy/Kind Again.

  8. There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

    Isaac Asimov

  9. Necessary_Chip9934 on

    Fact check: I don’t want to live in a pod, eat bugs, and own nothing and I don’t want that for you either. Not sure if I’m “they” though.

    Harris-Walz 2024

  10. Physical-Ad-3798 on

    Gosh darn projection again!! And as much as I appreciate whimsical socks, perhaps someone running for the 2nd most powerful position in the country might want to stick to more classic styling.

  11. BadgeOfDishonour on

    Pod… like an apartment… that I rent…

    And we use bugs in a bunch of cooking elements already so…

    That’s today mister. You’re thinking about today.

  12. Vance is such a deranged idiot. He is a blatant liar. I love Kamala’s laugh. Kamala and Tim exude joy while Trump and Vance exude hatred and darkness.

  13. hey-coffee-eyes on

    “What kind of socks would you like to pair with that outfit, Mr. Vance?”   

    “Whatever makes sense”   

    “The garishly blue ones with the dog heads it is.”   

    “Okay good”

  14. > and own nothing

    We already blame the subscription-based society America has become for owning nothing. None of that was a political decision, it’s just straight-up rampaging greed!

  15. No one is allowed to use the ambiguous “They” when making a point anymore. If you want to be taken seriously then you need to make pointed remakes based on facts and if there’s a real group you have a grievance with you should be expected to actually know what that group is.

  16. Hes talking about his old boss Peter? Peter Thiel and other billionaires are happy to buy up all the homes, raise the price of food, and make it impossible to own anything.

  17. The people who want you to own nothing are more aligned with Vance’s side than anywhere else tbh.

  18. Actually it’s for profit corporations that are *well underway* for turning literally everything we do into a rental/subscription.

  19. allthepassports on

    This is literally quoting Alex Jones. What used to be the lunatic conspiracy fringe is now mainstream Republicanism.

    What a sad state of affairs. Go r/KnowledgeFight!

  20. When he says “own nothing” his idiot followers think “because we are communist” when it reality his backers want people to own nothing because they want to rent everything to people on a perpetual subscription.

  21. anthematcurfew on

    This is Alex jones propaganda that those nut jobs have been parroting to one another for years

  22. The_River_Is_Still on

    Nobody likes JD Vance. Like, at all. It’s obvious he’s the epitome of ‘scumbag politician’

  23. WhiteMorphious on

    brother you literally made millions in venture capital, the kind of amoral rent seeking, profit maxing *you* worship at the alter of is the fucking problem 

  24. luciddreamer666 on

    They say this is bizarre, but this has been what guys my age saying on Facebook for years

    Vote because this message is going to resonate no matter how bizarre it might be

  25. TheLeaderOfTheUSA on

    I’m honestly starting to appreciate the transparency these people have. All you have to do is realize they’re actually talking about what THEY want for YOU and it’s very interesting stuff.

    Literally about 90% of everything they say is projection, what they’re actually hoping to be able to do. Scary stuff. These people failed K-12 at K when they didn’t learn to share and play nice.

    And the socks??? I just noticed them. They’re just having fun on a sinking ship at this point.

  26. traumatransfixes on

    Who dresses him, himself? Is this a nod to the PM of Canada? Is he trying the sock game now, to look like a fashionable leader? Because he is failing so much, it’s like he’s doing it on purpose.

    Even the optics are shitty.

  27. FredFredrickson on

    I wish conservatives had the introspection to look at this kind of campaigning and ask themselves why their people can’t run on real issues, and instead have to make up fake bullshit to run on instead.

    Like, what is your platform if the entire thing is a bunch of strawmen?

  28. Why are we talking about this?

    Does anybody here EVEN KNOW that Harris held a great town hall on Univision last night?

  29. The irony is this is exactly what the Republican policies and project 2025 are going to do. We will all just be fighting over the crumbs
    in poverty while the elites get richer.