CBS memo sparks outrage: Journalists instructed not to acknowledge Jerusalem as part of Israel


  1. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    >The memo, sent by CBS News senior director of standards Mark Memmott in late August, emphasized the disputed status of Jerusalem, **despite its recognition as Israel’s capital by the US government.**

  2. The site of the JEwish Temple was in Jerusalem, yet there is stil questions about the Jew’s claim to Jerusalem???

  3. tapuachyarokmeod on

    Even if you think that the entirety of Jerusalem should be in Palestine, the truth of the matter is that most of Israel’s official offices and institutions are in Jerusalem. Not acknowledging any of as part of Israel is really stupid.

  4. The western part of Jerusalem, which is most of the city, is in internationally recognized Israeli territory. This isn’t even controversial. The media is simply full of Jew-haters who will say and do anything to demonize Israel. These corporations need to be held accountable. Boycott CBS and all of its advertisers until they fire all the Jew-haters and bigots who have no respect for the truth. This isn’t journalism. It’s propaganda and it destroys the credibility of the press.

  5. It is clear everyone including OP didn’t read the article. If you think this is gas lighting than you also clearly don’t know what that term means.

    Jerusalem is not part of Israel, according to the UN and the majority of the world, Jerusalem is still considered an international city. Israel is also still in direct violation of UN law by stealing lands in the occupied territories pre 1967.

    Mark Memmott was absolutely in the right to highlight the disputed status of Jerusalem. Stop spreading disinformation. It’s embarrassing

  6. SuspiciousFishRunner on

    Numerous other cities with significance to multiple religions get to belong to a single country with a dominant religion and no outrage or news organizations going out of their way to not call the city what it is. Yet when the city houses the most holy site for Jews and is within the only Jewish state it for some reason has to be neutral.