You want the truth MAGA ? You can’t handle the truth.

Posted by h20poIo


  1. For what it’s worth, there are way more then 70 million dumb motherfuckers in this country. But, sadly, Trump’s mismanagement of Covid got a lot of them killed in key swing states, and many more have just died out of old age.

    So, it’s my hope that we squeak by with the 70,000 votes needed to win the electoral college this time, because GOD knows we do not want the Orange eny-penny-mushroom man in the white house again.

  2. What Trump supporters don’t get is how much he looks down on them.

    In his book, they are losers. They’re not the “in” crowd he so desperately wants to be a part of. They’re the gullible people he can con and use to his advantage.

    How they didn’t get “I could […] shoot someone and still not lose any voters” for the insult it is is beyond me.

  3. SpockShotFirst on

    All Trump voters are some combination of stupid, ignorant or evil.

    They are ignorant if they live in the Right Wing Propaganda Bubble because right wing media refuses to air any stories that put Trump in a negative light.

    They are stupid if they actively reject facts when other sources attempt to educate them.

    They are evil when they finally recognize the lies of the Right Wing Propaganda Bubble but decide to argue in bad faith and spread misinformation because they value hatred over truth.

  4. I believe Trump sold or even gave Covid testing machines to Putin, and not tests, machines that were destined for hospitals. You know, places where we want and expect people to live, especially those still working in a new global health crisis.

  5. I think it’s pretty obvious that they don’t want the truth. Lies are more comfortable.

  6. Oh you dumb sonofabitch.

    Covid was fake, but Trump wanted Putin to be scared and dependent on the US, so the gift of useless Covid tests was just to perpetuate a psyop against Russia.

    Trump is a genius, playing 6d chess with dictators, and you are just too stupid to see how smart he really is.

    (/s because MAGA people tend to be too stupid to spot obvious sarcasm)

  7. Not only did he sell bibles. He included incomplete versions of the constitution in them.

  8. My fear is that Republican governors in swing states simply won’t accept the result of their election.

    *They* need to fear the law and imprisonment, but a Trump victory will prevent that possibility. So they’re all in.

  9. you libs just cant think for yourselves. all your thought is based solely on what cnn tells you and thats just sad.

    70 million(or maybe even a lot more, dont know where you got this number) will vote because they dont want grown men share toilets with their little daughters. will vote because they dont want men to compete in womans sports. and because they dont want little boys being subjected to a sex change operations that will potentially ruin their lives from the very young age. they dont want their veterans sleep on the streets in skid row, while illegal migrants are being fed, housed, paid and even given rights to vote. they dont want their tax money/billions to be sent to Ukraine and Israel while their own people struggle to pay for gas, groceries, mortgage, etc. they dont want communists to run their country. they dont want their free seech taken away, they want to be able to say things and not to be thrown in prison for it. its already happening in France and England. they want to keep the right to have a weapon so they can protect themselves when someone is breaking in their homes, where their children sleep. they want the president whos not afraid of cnn bullying and can stand for himself. not the Kamala who had two or three interviews only so far, and she has failed miserably at all of them. they will vote for him because THE ELITE hates his guts. the Blackrock, Ford, GM and people like Soros hates this country. and they hate Trump so bad, they tried to kill him twice, they used DOJ to throw him in prison. and all that just to stop him. and it doesnt take genius to understand that if Trump is fighting against these corporate suits and criminals. then maybe that is exacltly what Americans need. problem with liberals is that they simply cant think independently. they only think and know what theyre told by CNN, FOX, The View, etc. theyre being fed lies and they dont even bother question, because theyre cowards. theres no other explanation. theyre afraid of being cast out by their liberal homies, just because they had the neck to think outside the box and look for the truth. Im sorry for you libs, the libs who work hard all day, to post stuff on reddit, trying to trash Trump and slander his name. If they really cared about their country, they wouldnt be doing this. positively though, Ive seen more and more lefties coming out on tiktok and X and YT, talking about how theyve realised that theyve been fed bs and lies the whole time, and that they will vote for Trump. so there is still a hope for the rest of you, you just have to read more of other sources and maybe grow some balls, because it takes some bravery to be able to stand up for what you believe in. you might lose your friends or even family members. or maybe not. but you must look for the truth not just what people like h20polo are posting on reddit. because some of them are even getting paid for it. so, just consider it. Trump is going to win. you can lie all you want. its not going to help.

    TRUMP 2024 MAGA.

  10. Worried-Row-9360 on

    Who’s spending so much money to help illegals, that cities are cutting their budgets?