More than 1,800 Russians entered Poland on visas issued “without any legal basis” over a period of 22 months between the start of Moscow’s war on Ukraine and this year. “We lost control” over system, Polish foreign minister laments


  1. Don’t worry, they will form their own enclave soon and try break away. Transnistria is first to get support from the motherland should Ukraine be lost.

  2. tehlurkingnoob on

    Probably explains why Poland has been the victim of several alleged acts of sabotage in recent months.

  3. Slowly people are realizing that uncontrolled imigration is a bad thing and easily abused by hostile actors. Took a while.

    Only the humanitarian organizations are left but I have hard time believing their opinions are legit. More likely bunch of useful idiots without relizing who’s fight they are fighting.

  4. More concretely – we had no system other than bribes.

    For how anti-immigrant PiS claimed to be, they sure did turn a blind eye a lot to all the corruption that allowed these migrants to enter.