OTD 445 years ago, the Ottoman Grand Vizier Sokollu Mehmed Pasha was Assassinated in Constantinople


Posted by AlienGeneticHybrid


  1. Ah thats the guy who was stolen from his parents as a baby as part of “blood taxes”, good old times.

  2. AlienGeneticHybrid on

    Sokollu Mehmed Pasha (birth name Bajica Nenadić) was born in 1505 near modern-day Rudo, Bosnia & Herzegovina to Serbian Orthodox parents. His family would maintain a mixed Islamic & Christian background. Recruited as a Janissary early on, he would receive training & education at Topkapi Palace in Edirne.

    As a soldier he would fight in the [Battle of Mohács](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Moh%C3%A1cs) and the first [Siege of Vienna](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Vienna_(1529)). As a commander, he led Ottoman forces in the conquest of much of Transylvania & Hungary. He would eventually impress the Sultan enough to receive a seat on the imperial council, and later become Grand Vizier.

    As Grand Vizier, he convinced the Sultan to restore the [Serbian Patriarchate of Peć](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbian_Patriarchate_of_Pe%C4%87) and he appointed his brother, Makarije Sokolović, as the Archbishop and Patriarch. He would also appoint his nephew, [Antonije Sokolović](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonije_I), as the Eastern Orthodox Archbishop of Ohrid.

    Sokollu Mehmed Pasha was assassinated on October 11th, 1579 by a Janissary believed to be in the employ of [Safiye Sultan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safiye_Sultan_(mother_of_Mehmed_III)), the ethnic-Albanian wife of Sultan Murad III.

    The assassin, reportedly a “crazy dervish,” was allowed to enter his quarters, where he stabbed Sokollu Mehmed Pasha with a knife. The Grand Vizier died three hours later.

  3. I found it interesting how early ottoman empire rumelia was dominated by South Slavs while later ottoman empire was dominated by Albanians, Greeks, Gerogians

  4. I love it when people are talking about Ottoman atrocities from the 15.century; all the while the Western Europe was all about justification of the killing spree in the Americas.

    It was harsh times. None of them can be justified of course, through the pov of a 21.century person. You think there was anything resembling a democracy at the day? Machiavelli wrote the exact problem the feudalism was causing in Europe. And monarchy was deemed the most socially securing way of sovereignity. Humanism was just a loose concept, developed by mixed opinions of existantialists.

    Those people should be recognized as the great men of their times, regardless of whom they served, because it is not a choice you can make at that time. If you’re Balkan, best survival option is becoming janissary; if you’re Italian, it’ll be best to become a serf to a manor. And people tried to survive.