David Crisafulli has dodged 38 questions in a row over his stance on abortion and whether LNP MPs would be denied a conscience vote during a press conference in Townsville

Posted by -Wiitheridge-


  1. Then the answer will be told by others. A vote for the LNP is a vote to criminalise abortion.

  2. SpecialMobile6174 on

    His election campaign has been an entire exercise of “Don’t say anything, don’t be seen, avoid the media”

    Unfortunately, that last bit is a little hard when you’re the bloody leader and potential next premier

  3. lurkyturkyducken on

    Woman in red behind him facial expressions are very telling of what the plan is around the 2.30 mark.

  4. Slippery cunt. How any female, or any male with a wife, mother or daughter could vote for this slime is totally beyond my comprehension.

  5. closetmangafan on

    Genuine question on what LNP’s plan is for if/when they get in? He spoke of “youth crime” which has been debunked as lower than it has been in years. What else is in the books for the LNP?

    Edit: I’m also curious, with the added fuel of abortion bans coming to light, how are the betting odds looking going into the final 2 weeks?

  6. This guy is a grub. If he gets in, we will be headed back to the 1950s (and not in a fun way like *Back to the Future*).

  7. Connect-Trouble5419 on

    So this sub isn’t meant to be political??? Or is that only the case mods if it is anti greens or alp?

  8. bobbakerneverafaker on

    Should go back to whinging, he’s far better at than, that answering any questions

  9. I’m not gonna deny him dodging questions but you have to concede that this video is edited.

  10. It’s not his issue to answer on a proposal put forward by an unelected person who is stirring up controversy

  11. CaptainYumYum12 on

    He won’t say he’s against abortion because he knows he’ll be ripped for it come election day.

    I just hope voters can see through the non answers

  12. Scooter-breath on

    Of all the things 99.9% of voters are overly concerned about, this aint one if them. And it’s too serious an issue for those that it is to be treated as a gotcha question.

  13. In 2018 the Labor government passed the current framework, legalising abortion.

    I believe Labor gave its non-ministerial MPs a conscience vote. 1 Labor member voted no. 1 Labor member abstained. If my maths is right 45 voted for the bill.

    Michael Berkman from the Greens and Sandy Bolton (independent from Noosa) voted for the bill.

    3 Katter Party and 1 One Nation MP (who is now in the Katter Party) voted no.

    Using their conscience vote 3 LNP members voted for the bill and if my maths is right 36 voted no.

    So have the conscience of all those MPs changed or what?

  14. David Crisanobody. What a wanker. How did MAGA infiltrate Queensland? Life long lib voter, but this crap is too extreme and braindead. Do not want an Australian version of Trump.

  15. Samantha-Blair on

    2024. 20 fucking 24 and we’re still here debating what other people can and can’t do with their bodies. If you don’t want an abortion, don’t fucking have one but STOP making decisions on something that affects you not at all.

  16. I’ve overheard conversations about the election and people literally only voting for LNP because “Labour’s been in power for 8 years, it’s time for a change”.

    👏 That 👏 is 👏 not 👏 a 👏 good 👏 enough 👏 reason 👏

    The LNP’s flagship policy he is riding on is throwing literal children in prison with adult criminals, for theft. Doesn’t that make anyone sick to their fucking stomachs?

  17. Background-Drive8391 on

    “it’s not part of our plan”

    Which means if it’s part of another parties plan, they might have a conscious vote.

    Considering all but 3 voted to keep it illegal, this slimy cunt will criminalise abortions again, and the story of one term LNP shall continue..

    The ultimate of slime

  18. Longjumping_Map_4670 on

    Cannot they not see that if the touch abortion, good like winning the next state election lol

  19. When he says people “know his position”, is his position consistent with when he voted against decriminalising abortion in 2018?