1. Alternative-Pause-14 on

    It’s almost as if she believes in this crazy thing called “accountability to the electorate.”

  2. I think this will be point that determines the elections, if she plays her cards right and says the right thing that pleases even the most uncommitted, Kamala could seal her victory(and if people show up to vote of course, I think they will)

    she just need to hyperfocus on these four weeks.

  3. ImprovementSilly2895 on

    Should’ve just picked Shapiro and we wouldn’t have had to worry about this. Minnesota was already going blue.

  4. What exactly is a town hall meeting supposed to be and how is that different from campaigning normally? It doesn’t say in the article

  5. No 

    Trump already has had two debates. The race is suddenly tied or he’s a hair ahead. Why should he agree to do a third debate? 

  6. This is old news, but people need to be reminded of what Trump and Sessions did last time they got power. They tore children from the arms of their parents, and deported the parents.


    Fearless_Tiger says

    > The only problem with that is that Obama was the one who started separating the
    kids from the parents. Trump’s administration just left it in place.

    My reply

    peterabbit456 1 point 4 minutes ago*

    I’ve had MAGA types tell me the Earth is flat and Neil Armstrong never walked on
    the Moon, but this one is new to me.

    You don’t have to believe me. Here is the American Bar Association.


    As a result of the change in policy by Att Jeff Sessions in 2018,

    As a result of the zero tolerance policy, the government separated more than 2000
    children from their parents at the border during the period of mid-April to June.
    Since children cannot be held in criminal detention, the children are designated
    as “unaccompanied alien children” and placed in the custody of the Department of
    Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). ORR places the
    children in shelters until they are released to a family member, guardian, or foster

    The law was passed in 2005, under GW Bush, but no-child was separated until Sessions
    changed the implementation of the policy. You were lied to. That is a common feature
    of MAGA propaganda.

    You were lied to.

    Edit: Over 900 children were still separated from their parents/families in 2021, when
    Biden took the oath of office. Harris led the effort to find families and just over
    half of the children left who were neglected by Trump, have been reunited with a
    family member.

    As for the other half, many of their parents are presumed to be dead.

  7. Better off as a town hall. Trump will just be a distraction. It’s better off Kamala answering questions from people than having Trump rant and rave.

  8. MateriaLintellect on

    She is so good at trolling his soft ass. He gonna be crying on social media in no time