Trump labeled as ‘disgusting’ and ‘pig’ by key group of voters


  1. Plinythemelder on

    “Key Group”

    Lol. Yes. The massive demographic of Hayley voters who voted Trump twice but are just NOW having second thoughts even after Hayley endorsed Trump anyways.

  2. justhavingfunMT on

    Like all Democrats, you mean? A good portion of Republicans and independent voters, you mean? So the majority of the country, right?

  3. It’s no surprise Trump is losing support among women voters; his past comments really don’t sit well with a lot of them. Many seem to prefer Haley, which shows they’re looking for someone who respects them more.

  4. They’re not wrong. He deserves the same level of grace that he would offer anyone else, which is less than none.

  5. Trump labeled as “insufferable lardass” and “so fake tanned it border on a hate crime” by one key voter

  6. supersonicvinyl on

    the only people trump likes…actually i dont think he likes anyone. even his cult members. he was a turd from birth

  7. Vitaminpartydrums on

    And if they don’t vote, we’ll have him on TV… every day…. For four more years… telling them how he once again defeated a female nominee

  8. woman_president on

    This is wrong, offensive, and terribly dangerous rhetoric.

    Not to mention it’s incredibly rude to pigs.

  9. Salty-Effect-5512 on

    He is a large, part lard, maggot infested, toxic McDonald’s grease tub that was thrown in a dumpster that resembles that shitty cyber truck.