Gender-diverse college students and students with autism are more likely than their cis peers without autism to experience suicidal thoughts and behaviours, and students who are both gender-diverse and autistic may be the most likely to attempt suicide.


  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    From the linked article:

    US scientists say both gender-diverse college students and students with autism are more likely than their cis peers without autism to experience suicidal thoughts and behaviours, and students who are both gender-diverse and autistic may be the most likely to attempt suicide. They looked at data from more than 41,000 students with an average age of around 23, and found gender-diverse students were 3.34 times as likely as their cis peers to experience suicidal thoughts, while students with autism were 2.06 times as likely to experience them as students without autism. When it came to suicide attempts, gender-diverse students were 2.74 times as likely as their cis peers to have attempted suicide, while students with autism were 2.39 times as likely, compared with non-autistic students. The students most at risk of attempting suicide were those who were both gender-diverse and autistic, the authors say. The findings highlight the need for interventions to support gender-diverse and autistic students, they conclude.

  2. “the ones closest to the accepted norm are suffering from the least psychological stress”

    you don’t say…

  3. As someone with autism, I’m offended that you’d lump me in with “Gender-Diverse” people… What I suffer from is real. Meanwhile their only problem is they can’t decide what aesthetic to adopt…

  4. Ya dont say. Its almost like the world is really harsh for those of us who are trans and autistic.

    Here is just one reason each that it has my ideation go up: Autistic burnout can torpedo months worth of work and that can have devastating impacts on financial stability and the general psychological stress of being trans worrying about your access to healthcare if you even get it.

    We dont need interventions, we need meaningful support

  5. I agree with others that this is a curious lumping of symptoms. We now think of trans as a developmental disorder? 

  6. Specific_Research952 on

    Is there a definitive study that proves it’s a case of more likely to have mental illnesses vs bullying? Every person I know has experienced bullying in one way or another but the rates of depression and suicide are much higher these days. Social media and contagion are making newer generations more and more depressed and anxious.

  7. The entire world is set up by and large to pander to Neurotypical CIS-HET men. And lately any ask to make accommodations has been met with aggressive obstinance from conservatives who control power. Of course people who aren’t neurotypical cis-het men are having a bad time. How couldn’t they?