How did the Nazi’s racially classify the world? – Updated

Posted by utkubaba9581


  1. Somalia and Djibouti probably wouldn’t be orange.

    I know you did so because they would be grouped as “Arab”, but they only joined the Arab league much after Hitler’s time after gaining independence and weren’t really considered Arab until then (they still aren’t really).

  2. Great map, I’d encourage people to go look at my map of The Deployment and Actions of Wehrmacht’s Foreign Volunteers and Conscripts. It’d be pretty complimentary to this.

  3. So basically the Austrian painter believed that pressing needs of *realpolitik* and alliances need to trump racial ideology. This was to be expected.

  4. Loud_Respect6943 on

    I dont get it. Most of South America is classified as “mediterranean” despite countries like Peru and Bolivia being largely composed of people with a large indigenous background. Argentina and Uruguay have a larger european heritage in that aspect. Still abouth south america, Brazil itself has a much larger population of european origin than the countries mentioned, and is classified as inferior. Probably because they saw the large number of black people there as a problem, idk. Maybe Im just trying to see logic in something that has no logic

  5. Odd they considered Indians as honorary.

    Since Hitler had a not very good view of them, seeing them as too weak to throw off the shackles of the British.

  6. SprinklesHuman3014 on

    And, for once, Portugal can’t into Eastern Europe. It’s also interesting enought that Brasil and the rest of South America have different colors, presumedly anti-black racism? And why is Mexico a different color than the rest of Hispanoamerica?

  7. As a South American classified as “Mediterranean”, is “Mediterranean” here code for “irrelevant”?

  8. CharlesBronsonsHair on

    Wonder what Brazil and Mexico did wrong in their eyes compared to rest of latam. Argentina is pretty white but Bolivia by comparison is very native.

  9. Trying to document and make sense of Nazi views on race is like trying to catch smoke with your hands. The fact is that Nazi racial views were inconsistent, driven by political expediency, and based around pseudoscience and pseudo history.

    In the end fascism is a death cult. If somehow the Germans had won WWII the classifications of who is and who is not an aryan, and therefore human, would have likely continued to whittle down and down and down into increasingly smaller groups, with the folks found outside the new arbitrary circle being labeled as corrupted, or insidious, or weak or what have you. The Nazis would need a constant internal enemy to distract the population with and maintain an air of paranoia and besiegement. Peoplemwould be trying to prove the race of their great great great grandmother and show that no one from that generation onward ever kissed a Jew.

    This map is a good attempt, but the issue is that it makes it seem like the Nazi’s had a concrete racial system in mind when it was so often based around if Hitler was having a temper tantrum about the group in question.

  10. Seeing as Nazis appropriated Indian symbols…..why are we “honorary”. The word “Aryan” is Sanskrit and the Swastika is a religious symbol…….

  11. Prestigious_Spread19 on

    I’m not sure how I feel about probably being almost exactly what the Nazis saw as the “superior race”. I have blonde hair, light skin, blue eyes, and most of my ancestors for hundreds of years back did too. Only thing is, I’m not German, but Norwegian.

  12. Reality must have hit hard when the Nazis arrive in South America and realize that the majority of the continent is inhabited by Mestizos(Amerindian & Whites). So by their definition, inferior.

  13. Shady_bystander0101 on

    I’m pretty sure Indians were one of the first to be considered “racially compromised”, nazis used particular readings of Indian religious texts to suggest that the Indian elite used to be Aryan, and the west will follow similar kind of decline as the Indian society if they allow inferior races to propagate and survive.

    >[Alfred Rosenberg]( claimed that although [Vedic culture]( was Aryan in origin, any Nordic blood in India had long since dissipated due to racial miscegenation (wikipedia).

  14. Thebananabender on

    Jew here.

    The first victims of Nazi germany were the mentally ill and the physically disabled.

    They confiscated a Jewish mansion in Berlin with the address “Tiergarten 4” later, they used this mansion to send letters to the families of mentally and physically ill people living in closed wards saying they were “died in unfortunate circumstances”. The real reason for their deaths were in fact anesthetic injection, “Gas Trucks” (a truck where the exhaust was diverted to the trunk), and later, Gas chambers.

    Those same tactics were used later in the Holocaust on LGBTQ, Sinti and Roma, political rivals and also Jews.

    This map doesn’t convey the prejudice and the hate the Nazis had for disabled men (who lives amongst all nations…)