US said seeking to install new Lebanese president, push aside weakened Hezbollah


  1. As if the Lebanese people will follow through.

    The moment they realize the us is behind it they will promot the Hezbollah again.

    The us needs to get it’s brain checked.

  2. Previous_Avocado_69 on

    So this is the compromise Biden made to Israel?

    “Let Iran keep their nukes. We’ll overthrow the Lebanese government instead”

  3. US citizen here. The USA has no business ‘installing’ any leader. It is not their place and I hope this is not happening.

  4. No!!! The USA needs to stop playing the role of “King Maker” it doesn’t work and it’s never worked. STOP DOING IT!

  5. “seeking to install new Lebanese president”
    Ah yes nothing says we are the good guys more than *installing* a president in a foreign country.
    It’s not like the international community has been calling out Iran for messing with Lebanon’s internal politics and disrespecting it’s people’s right to self determination for a few decades now or anything …

  6. Oh my god I thought we learned from this twenty years ago.. unfortunately you can’t force democracy on people, and certainly can’t make regions just act a certain way.

    Even worse is that the government contingents that do have influence either are very anti American or gunho on regional conflict. Unless the ME gets watershedded, this will be constant for our lifetimes

  7. I really really hate Hezbollah and want to see it wiped out.

    The USA installing a government in Lebanon… That seems very counterintuitive. Both towards the goal of destroying Hezbollah, and towards Lebanon as a whole. The Lebanese people deserve better lives.

  8. I hope this is a step in the right direction for the Lebanese people, and I hope for a peaceful and prosperous future for them

  9. Downtown-Word1023 on

    Thank God Saudi Arabia kidnapped their ally Saad Hariri for *checks notes* absolutely no logical reason and destroyed all credible opposition to Hizbollah.

  10. Right. Because installing puppets in the Middle East has never once backfired on the United States. /s

  11. To be fair, Lebanon doesn’t even have a President for more than 2 years now, Hezbollah and its allies are voting No on the candidates to get two-thirds majority in Parliament.

    And the President really doesn’t have much power, he’s just a figure head.

    The power comes from Prime Minister and there was a lot of protests and disputes when that happened in 2021

  12. Ppl really gotta read past headlines, the US is in talks w Saudi, Qatar and Egypt over this it’s not unilateral

  13. NegevThunderstorm on

    Pretty sure lebanon is excited and so happy to let America tell them how to run their country!!!