Meteorologists Get Death Threats as Hurricane Milton Conspiracy Theories Thrive


  1. MAGA morons. Seriously you can’t have a finer example of why the entire right wing is nuts.

  2. >As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, meteorologists are staying awake for days at a time trying to get vital, life-saving information out to the folks who will be affected. That’s their job. But this year, several of them tell *Rolling Stone*, they’re increasingly having to take time out to quell the nonstop flow of misinformation during a particularly traumatic hurricane season. And some of them are doing it while being personally threatened.

  3. These are the people that would be burning witches for a bad harvest just a few centuries ago.

  4. followthelogic405 on

    I can’t imagine where we could be as a country if Reagan never was elected and Republicans didn’t become anti-American, we’re seriously in the dumbest fucking timeline.

  5. climate change is democrat misinformation, humans can’t impact large scale weather systems, except on election years when democrats who are actually godlike lizard aliens pull out their weather machine to bully republicans, impact voter turnout and harvest lithium buried deep under georgia that can only be accessed via category 5 hurricanes. /ssssss

    hookworms + leaded fuel + defunding education + agitation pundity = that’s how we got here.

  6. GordonShumway257 on

    “Democrats need to tone down the violent rhetoric. Now hold on while I send this death threat to a meteorologist for reporting on a hurricane.” ~ Your average Republican

  7. Stochastic terrorism is a form of political violence instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or an individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, stochastic terrorism is accomplished with indirect, vague or coded language, which grants the instigator plausible deniability for any associated violence.[1] A key element of stochastic terrorism is the use of media for propagation, where the person carrying out the violence may not have direct connection to any other users of violent rhetoric.

    *”Would you like to know more”*

  8. ToadallyNormalHuman on

    We have had people call and scream at us about jeopardy not being on when there’s a tornado going down a Main Street.

  9. These ignorant MAGA assholes are endangering the lives of meteorologists with their unhinged conspiracy theories. These same freaks and losers threatened Dr. Fauci and his family when he was trying to save lives during Covid. The common denominator in all this bullshit is Donald Trump. He is one of the most dangerous men in the world. I DESPISE HIM!!!

  10. Really…? The weather dude/lady? People are so angry and deluded that they are going to pop the weather dude/lady?

  11. Widespread conspiracy theories about weather….

    16 years ago we’d be laughing at these idiots

  12. SecretAsianMan42069 on

    Social media really gave people who didn’t graduate high school the megaphone that they always wanted. 

  13. marcopaulodirect on

    > “For me to post a hurricane forecast and for people to accuse me of creating the hurricane by working for some secret Illuminati entity is disappointing and distressing, and it’s resulting in a decrease in public trust,” says Cappucci

    I wanted what percentage is the public’s trust in him, and hos trust in the public. Geeze. Poor guy.

  14. wanderingpeddlar on

    >“Stop lying about the government controlling the weather or else.”

    By the elder gods…. If we could control the weather we would never have go to war.

    But somehow I suspect the IF a logical thought ever crossed that guys mind it would be the shortest trip in North America

  15. Andovars_Ghost on

    Nothing like getting death threats for reporting the weather and trying to keep people safe… FFS

  16. The fact that this storm hit land in a way that made it less severe than feared is only going to fuel conspiracy theories. If this storm had tracked just 50 miles north of where it hit, or had it not weakened significantly before making landfall (not to downplay how strong it still is/was when it hit), St. Petersburg and Tampa could have suffered an extreme catastrophe. The damage is going to be nothing to scoff at, but it’s going to be less than expected.

  17. RocketSkates314 on

    MTG and Matt Gaetz literally just voted against FEMA funding in their states 2 weeks ago. Same with the congressman from South Carolina

  18. IWillMakeYouBlush on

    I hate people sometimes. I know it’s not good to hate. But there’s a special place in hell for people making death threats to the people who are just tryna help.

  19. ricardocaliente on

    I know we have free speech and all that, but it honestly should be illegal to blatantly lie while in a position of power. At any other government agency if you falsified data or caused some sort of accident you’d be fired and possibly charged. Congress gets away with way too much. It’s exhausting.

  20. You’d think they had learned their lesson when they claimed Covid didn’t exist. Joking aside, this is yet another disinfo campaign that can probably be traced to Russia.

  21. This is so stupid. Even if you honestly believed the deep state could control the weather, why would you think your local meteorologist was at all involved? Like, if I thought someone had a secret device that remotely shut off cars so they could cause car accidents, I wouldn’t automatically assume the chopper 5 guy who reports on traffic was in on it.

  22. Gods do I miss the days where intelligence and the educated were treated with respect instead of viewed as the enemy. What will these nutjobs do if they get their way and all educated individuals are either arrested or killed? There won’t be any doctors left to heal them, no scientists left to deal with world problems, no teachers left to actually teach, and yet they are fine with it.

  23. Right wing politics have consistently failed from trickle down onwards

    Therefore the only way to keep the base voting against their own interests is to keep them divorced from reality

    Unfortunately for them no matter how fervently they believe Thier delusional nonsense it doesn’t make it real