Labor announces surprise parliamentary inquiry into nuclear power, raising hopes of an ‘adult conversation’


  1. It will simply confirm what we already know that it isn’t worth while for Australia due to high build costs/Long build times and High electricity generation costs among other issues and hopefully shuts up the coalition on Nuclear since not even there own studies would be able to show it is viable for Australia.

  2. Incendium_Satus on

    Yes but Herr Dutton off at the knees.
    Better still request his attendance to provide substance to his claims.

  3. Labor worried that an increasing number of people are curious about nuclear power, so doing something to look interested in it. Got to start being nicer to people who might not otherwise vote Labor.

  4. So that means if Spud wins, there won’t be any need for a 2.5 year inquiry by the Coalition and they can begin building reactors on day one…right? /s

  5. hypatiatextprotocol on

    Smart. Now every time Dutton mentions it, Labor can shut down the conversation. “Yes, it’s all part of the inquiry.”

  6. The average voter (read moron) will do absolutely no independent research on the viability of nuclear power. They will, as usual, depend on confirmation biased news bites and The Project focused on the short-term easy fix. The noisiest opinions will prevail. That is why I wrote to my local ALP member cautioning him and the party not to treat the nuclear debate lightly. I emphasised that it had to be treated in an ELI5 fashion and had to be done so repeatedly. This inquiry will report in April which is nigh on election time and hopefully an interim report will come out early in the new year. Labor have wasted so much political capital with ill thought out and poorly researched initiatives since taking office. They cannot afford to get caught out again with nuclear a la The Voice. Time for Albo to ditch his career politician advisors and actually get out into the pubs and clubs and find out what people are really thinking.

  7. Labor doing what they should have done all along… say “sure we hear the coalition, I’m all for it. Let’s get an inquiry going, talk to absolutely every energy provider, cost it up, see what’s feasible” it would have left the coalition looking silly.

    Instead they played the “we’ll always ban nuclear” which just made them look like luddites with new incoming nuclear tech (and let’s be honest SME are never getting up, they’ve lost the race)

    So finally Labor wakes up and starts to play politics.

    I’m not sure if Albo is too sincere to play politics, or the entire Labor cabinet is arrogant but they really should throw in some populism to their campaigning.

  8. Walter_Armstrong on

    An adult conversation from an energy minister who throws a tantrum every time someone brings this subject up… I’d like to see that /s

  9. campbellsimpson on

    Maybe we can get a Costco bulk shipment from the US along with our Virginia class reactors?

  10. Title is a total furphy.

    We’ve already had multiple adult conversations on the topic, but the Liberal Party has thrown the toys out of cot because those conversations didn’t go the way they wanted.

  11. AddlePatedBadger on

    What the fuck are Labor even doing? Instead of just like, governing properly, they are pandering to whatever crackpot notions they even think the LNP might bring up. Remember the whole ridiculous census kerfuffle?

    Just ignore those drongos and use taxpayers’ time and resources on things that will actually benefit Australians.