Feel the difference: Russian POWs in Ukraine vs. Ukrainian POWs in Russia


Posted by UNITED24Media


  1. What Russia needs to feel is the hard hand of war and the end of empire, from the Volga to the Pacific Ocean.

  2. They should have Ukrainian prisoner day and feed them as the Russians feed (or don’t feed) Ukrainian prisoners. Show them their good luck they aren’t composting in Ukrainian soil.

  3. I’m looking at this and thinking, a) to russians, surrender looks appealing, and b) to Ukrainians, surrender is not an option, so they fight even harder.

  4. Both-Acanthisitta634 on

    Or as Vladimir Vladimirov Antoinette Putin would say…….

    ‘Let Them Eat Onions!’

  5. ru🚽🚽ian POW’s should get the same exact treatment as Ukrainian POW’s

  6. Alarmed_West8689 on

    The guy complaining needs to be the first prisoner exchanged so he can go back to the front line