Very rare 4-way stop sign in Beaconsfield. Does the average motorist know how to approach these?

Posted by mulimulix


  1. I come across this intersection every now and then driving around Alexandria and always makes me wonder if drivers actually know the rules for them. I only know because I’ve driven in America where they’re everywhere but never seen a single other 4-way stop sign anywhere in Aus. Has anyone seen any others?

  2. reptilianspace on

    There is also a massive dip not far from this intersection, scrape my car everytime i drove pass

  3. Approach it the same as every other stop sign? If it looks clear, go ahead. Not very hard to understand.

  4. There’s one in Artarmon too, haven’t been there in a few years but when I did, it seemed that it was whoever felt bold went next, nervous drivers just waited until it was all clear!

  5. jorkinmypeanitsrn on

    What’s the reason an intersection like this couldn’t just be converted into a roundabout?

  6. First to arrive has right of way, unless you are turning across traffic in which case the person going straight has right of way. If multiple cars, give way to your right.

  7. I would assume the average motorist should know how to behave when approaching a stop sign.

  8. I don’t think they are super rare – at least not up Newcastle way. Rule is first to stop is first to go after you have made a complete stop but I don’t think many people are aware of this. People having different expectations about how long you need to stop normally messes things up as other drivers interpret this as you giving way

  9. ConanTheAquarian on

    Doesn’t matter how many stop signs their are. You obey the one you are facing and treat it like any other stop sign.

  10. There was a post on NSW Road Safety’s Facebook before about an example of it a few years ago. It still is not perfectly clear and does not provide a solution if all cars wanted to go straight or turn right, etc. Some interesections are too small for a roundabout. I think they should just change it so that there are only maximum 2 stop signs at an intersection. [](

  11. In Newcastle there are lots of intersections like this. Especially around Merewether and The Junction.

  12. The thing is that a legitimate awkward situation where people don’t know who has right of way is very rare. That would require at least 2 adjacent vehicles arriving at the stop at the same time both wanting to go straight. Even then you have the old “give way to the right” rule that most people know and sometimes misapply (roundabouts).

    The vast majority of the time it’s first stop, first go in order of who got their first.

    Even if you screw up, you’re meant to be going slow enough (since you’re MEANT to come to a full stop) that you can adjust for misunderstandings.

    It’s really not all that confusing to manage.

  13. drunk_haile_selassie on

    Whoever gets there first goes first while everyone else waits. If two cars get there at exactly the same time, you have to sit there forever or ditch the car and walk home.