South Australian council votes to retain ‘offensive’ name of Chinamans Lane in Penola


  1. This article could have been called “Residents of south-east South Australia want more acknowledgement of their Chinese heritage”, but nah, gotta spin it into some culture wars bullshit. Love that the ABC is just an extension of Murdoch now.

  2. GetDown_Deeper3 on

    What wrong with this soft c… generation?
    It its not offensive in any way.
    Ffs grow up people.

  3. Icy_Celery6886 on

    If you don’t know why it’s offensive, I can’t explain it to you. I bet the descendants have never been called a “Chinaman”.

    ps I’m a Chinese.

  4. shadowrunner003 on

    While the council can “vote” on it the final decision actually lies with the residents of the road

    I’ve just been through this for the street I live on, the council sent out a letter saying they were changing it, all the residents told them to pound sand as there is a cost involved in changing your address, deeds and a pile of time involved in alerting all your providers, (mail,phone,elec,ebay,banking, any subscriptions and service providers, and so on) we told them they would be receiving the bills for any and all costs involved from all of us and they backed down fast. Our street had this name for over 80 years and none of us wanted it changed

  5. BullShatStats on

    There’s Frenchmans Beach down at LaPa and nobody’s dropped their croissants over it

  6. Icy_Celery6886 on

    Let me tell you why in a way you may understand. Watch any hollywood movie or tv show that a Chinese is called a “Chinaman”. It is always spoken or used in an insulting or derogatory manner. As a child “ching chong Chinaman” was often used as an insult in the playground until my brother and I corrected them.

    If you still don’t understand go down to Cabramatta where the Viets are and call them Chinamen and see what kind of hiding you’ll get. All Asians hate been called Chinamen.

    Willful ignorance like “it’s grammatically correct” is bs I’ve listened to all my life.

    Changing it and arguing it is not offensive is 2 different issues. Just don’t say it’s not offensive.

  7. Why does this even need a vote, are people really fighting to keep this. Can you imagine telling someone this is your address? Just change it, stop pandering to the 1%.