After being been postponed this summerthe European Commission will propose again on 09/10 and 10/10 a discussion on the introduction of Chat Control 2.0, a tool obligatory which requires all email and private messaging providers (including end-to-end messaging) to make all messages sent available for inspection.

I’m leaving you here is Patrick Breyer’s websitea digital rights activist, member of the European Parliament, in which he explains in detail what the proposal consists of, the myths around this proposal, and why this is not a solution.

Last time it was stopped a few votes short of the majority threshold (63.7% against the necessary 65%), as reported by Patrick Breyer.

Italy is currently among the countries undecided on how to vote together with Portugal.
Since the politicians we voted for are there to represent us, I invite you to contact them. Alternatively you can copy, paste and send the recipients and the message I will leave below.

You can find the list of our representatives Whoand by clicking on each one you can see their contacts.

I have prepared a message with a list of recipients sampled from all the parties (except the League as they are extremely Eurosceptic), since this is something that concerns everyone.

You can choose whether to contact one of your political leaders, or take this list. I remind you that it is not necessary to bring your own story. You just need to make yourself heard and express your opposition.


Subject: Vote against Chat Control



Chat Control is just a proposal aimed at undermining the credibility of the Union, against its citizens. It serves to take away our right to privacy for the interests of some small group of people.

Any motivation such as the reduction of child pornography on the internet or the possibility of intercepting terrorist actions are just fallacious arguments to convince us to agree with these proposals.

Mass surveillance IS NOT A SOLUTION.

Vote against any form of Chat control.

This is not the European Union we want.


an Italian citizen.

Chat Control 2.0 ci prova ancora. Fatti sentire.
byu/Stepness initaly

Posted by Stepness


  1. The-Great--Cornholio on

    Con buona pace dell’articolo 15 della Costituzione.

    “Art. 15. La libertà e la segretezza della corrispondenza e di ogni altra forma di comunicazione sono inviolabili.’

  2. Bello l’intento, il placeholder del messaggio pero’ fa pensare che tu abbia un cappellino di carta stagnola in testa

  3. The-Great--Cornholio on

    Poi il discorso della pedo pornografia è sempre una scusa per far sì che chi è favorevole alla legge possa accusare chi è contro di aiutare i pedofili.

    Vecchi trucchetti squallidi.

  4. Fatto, come ho fatto qualche mese fa quando ci avevano riprovato fallendo grazie al cielo. Speriamo serva a qualcosa

  5. PhyrexianSpaghetti on

    Del resto è così che devono imparare che ho paura dei ratti così da potermi minacciare con uno di essi e farmi tradire l’amore della mia vita