Poilievre supports Israel ‘proactively striking’ Iranian nuclear sites to defend itself



  1. Article should have mentioned the fact that Israel was the one who first disregarded international non-proliferation agreements and developed their own nuclear arsenal to highlight the hypocrisy of this stance.

  2. “Defending itself” has lost all meaning. They are bombing multiple sovereign states. They’ve escalated this into a regional war.

  3. The tech to make a nuclear bomb is literally 1940s level. Granted that is a small nuke.

    The tech to make a H-bomb is circa 1950s (first H-bomb was 1952).

    The very first silicon transistor was made in 1954.

    The dudes didn’t have calculators and were figuring it out for the first time ever. Literally making new science. Now we know how to make them. Now we have [design ideas](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Los_Alamos_Primer_assembly_methods.png/255px-Los_Alamos_Primer_assembly_methods.png) available on the internet.

    It is easy to make nuclear weapons. Bombing a country to stop them… is an exercise in futility. That will cause people to make the bomb faster, and more secretively.

  4. Why do our leaders focus so much on what’s going on abroad?

    They should be focused on Canada.

  5. Loud-Picture9110 on

    This would be more of Israel’s patented de-escalation through escalation strategy.

  6. WealthEconomy on

    I support Iranian nuclear sites being destroyed too. Anyone with a brain does not want the world’s biggest supporter and purveyor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons.

  7. Psychotic_Breakdown on

    Does he know hezbollah has hundreds advanced missles that can be launched at Isreal if this happens? Supplied by Iran? They mat still have them or not. Hezbollah has been taking a whooping.

  8. Well, it’s not ‘proactive’ when the nation in question has fired hundreds of ballistic missles at you, THROUGH THE AIRSPACE of other nations in between. Pretty sure Jordan and Iraq havent green lit those barrages. It’s no longer ‘Iran is threatening us so we should bomb their nuclear bomb research facilities’, it’s ‘will the NEXT missile barrage be nuclear?’

    In my opinion Israel has every right to blow the fuck out of any part of Iran it feels presents that level of imminent danger. Because those missiles could have been nuclear.

  9. OkMathematician3494 on

    Focus on Canada first.

    First nations don’t have clean water to drink and Canadian leaders are worried about foreign conflicts.

  10. cheekclapper100 on

    Well we should not be supporting this unless we are ready to die for Israel. I know Pierre loves to please the Jews so his family members and supporters should be the only ones deployed. I’m worried about Canada and not about Israel if our prime minister is focused on Israel then he isn’t paying attention to Canada. Numerous politicians from conservatives are being funded by the Indian government. Pierre while quick to disparage jagmeet conveniently leaves out that his own pension is $220,000+ whole jagmeets is barely a 1/4 of that

  11. Big Conservative supporter but Poilievre needs to STFU, as do all Canadian leaders. Stoking either side of this conflict is a fools errand. Keep Canada out of it. The protests on Canadian soil will surely escalate and we need to do the opposite. I saw video of the protest yesterday with immigrants ripping the Canadian flag in half and shouting “death to Canada”. This war has nothing to do with Canada and as such we should keep our mouths shut and not stoke the fire, while better policing the protests in Canada. Poilievre and all leaders should be more concerned with that.

  12. FathomlessSeer on

    When even the Americans are saying that this is a bad idea, Canadian politicians shouldn’t posture and warmonger like this.

    In a recent war game simulation, a ‘preemptive’ attack like this led to a nuclear exchange.

  13. doomscrolling_tiktok on

    I know it’s off topic but I wish everyone would be this feral about doing whatever it is to ban Walmart from getting new TFW anywhere in any role and making them withdraw their current recruiting ads

  14. JoeCartersLeap on

    I remember when I went to the dentist 15 years ago, there was a guy in the waiting room ranting to the receptionist about “have you heard about Iran? They’re so close to having nukes. And once they do, you just know they’re gonna nuke Israel right away.”

    I think politicians are using the threat of Iran as a means to distract and control people.

  15. CrunchyPeanutMaster on

    The Liberals also agree that hitting Iran makes sense. Bill Blaire responded yesterday that he thinks Israel hitting Iran’s oil fields in an acceptable move.

  16. Specialist_Fail_6559 on

    I’m disgusted that this guy is supposed to save us from Trudeau. Clearly anyone with a conscience could do better. Sadly they don’t allow those to be politicians these days.

  17. bandersnatching on

    Just to be clear; Israelis don’t want this, and nor do Jews in general. It’s the criminal Netanyahu government, with his radical orthodox supporters who want to, and it’s those same people in Canada that Skippy is pandering to.

  18. Impressive-Potato on

    It’s different when the UK or the US say things like this. They have a military and infrastructor to go to war.
    WE DO NOT. we don’t have the resources to take such a strong stance it, PP. Don’t pull us into a conflict overseas that will cost tens of billions and lives

  19. Happy_Trails4u on

    In the world’s history, we have never stopped warring and we never will. It is in our DNA.

  20. He was silenced today by the speaker.
    Lil’ Skippy the bully supports expansionist attacks against another other country 😓