Killer who left pregnant victim’s body on side of road granted unescorted leave for ‘personal development’


  1. WorkingAssociate9860 on

    Imagine getting a month out to prepare for your parole release 10 years after getting convicted for murder, not to mention her previous leave for basically faking native status.

  2. SomeDumRedditor on

    > “Although you have completed required and voluntary interventions to mitigate your risk, you remain assessed at a low-moderate risk level, and it is essential that you complete further treatment and programming to mitigate your risk of re-offending. Notwithstanding the board’s concerns, the board concludes that your risk is manageable in the context of the (unescorted temporary absence) with the proposed plan and focus on further rehabilitation.”

    The parole board lays out its reasoning pretty clearly. Also:

    > Victoria Lea Henneberry is serving a life sentence for the second-degree murder of Loretta Saunders in February 2014.

    She’s not “out.”

  3. “ Saunders was 26 when she died. Leggette attacked her from behind when she entered the apartment.
    “Your boyfriend choked the victim, tried to suffocate her with several plastic bags, and hit her head off the floor twice,” said Henneberry’s parole decision, dated Sept. 25.”

    How did we get to this point?

  4. Chairman_Mittens on

    Convicted felons aren’t usually even granted leave to go to a funeral if a family member dies.

    How are we letting a convicted murderer out unsupervised for a MONTH for personal development?

  5. Go Bus? She should be left with a tracker and people should know how she looks like.

    I should know that the person I am sitting next to is a criminal. Murderer.

  6. BumbleStinger on

    There are absolutely no checks and balances for our court system currently. Other than a few mandatory SHALL’s, a judge can release almost any criminal who’s brought before them for bail solely based on their opinion. In contrast, the U.S has mandatories and minimums for a range of crimes. A judge can release someone on conditions and if that person murders someone the same day that judge faces no backlash, no discipline and no legal consequences.

    Canada’s justice system is absolutely broken, if the public was aware of how broken and much of a joke it is the average person would be blown away.

    I work law enforcement in Ontario and EVERY seasoned criminal knows our justice system is a joke. In fact, they joke about it and make reference that they’ll be out the next day anyways and we’re wasting our time.

    A few months ago I arrested someone on the roadways for breaching his conditions of release (bail). His conditions were to remain in his primary from 9pm to 6am and when out of his residence he had to be with his surety. He was neither with his surety and the time was 10.30pm. This guy had 9 prior breaches of conditions already on his record, meaning he hasn’t complied with him conditions of release 9 prior times before already. I held him for bail and the very next day the judge released him ON THE SAME CONDITIONS AGAIN.

    It is absolutely demoralizing for law enforcement in Canada right now to enforce the law. Everyone we arrest is released, dangerous, petty, thieves, fraudsters… you name it and they will be released. Almost every police media report being blasted out is the same old, person already on bail/conditions committed another offense and was re-arrested. It’s 75% the same people in Canada committing the majority of crime.

  7. This is absolutely sick. Between this and seeing the Canadian flag destroyed by Palestinian protestors screaming “death to Canada” with no repercussions, I need to log off Reddit for the day. All the news does now is make me more and more ashamed of this countries government and justice system.

  8. --MrsNesbitt- on

    And people on Reddit are clueless why Canadians are overwhelmingly planning to vote for a party which promises to crack down on crime and our broken “justice” system.

  9. NormalBoysenberry220 on

    “Henneberry identifies as Indigenous, through her mother’s side of the family.”

    I knew I would find this part somewhere in the article.

  10. HanksWhiteHat on

    to be fair to the court, she’d already made dinner reservations with Will Baker at a nice restaurant so they really had no choice

  11. OkEconomist2080 on

    once the crimes start affecting the rich or politicians, then we will see a change

  12. My work won’t even give me a day off for personal development yet a prisoner does?