FBI probe of Kavanaugh constrained by Trump White House, report finds



  1. The corruption of the Trump White House and all of his Attorneys General were well-known at the time and continue to be well-known.

    Didn’t really matter, the fact he’s a rapist only made his vote more secure among Repubes.

  2. Pretty cool that the most powerful nation in the history of the world is being ruled over by six law wizards, roughly half of whom were selected solely on the basis of whether they think the host of *The Apprentice* should be above the law.

  3. Not surprising. Kavanaugh is a douchey frat boy. There’s more dirt out there on him but they didn’t even dust much less dig. Trump will destroy the Judicial Branch if he wins another term. Project 2025 is his blue print.

  4. 69DonaldTrump69 on

    Was this the one where the senators had to go to the super duper secret room to read reports? There was so much batshit crazy stuff going on during the Trump Administration that it’s hard to keep track.

  5. NetworkAddict on

    So Jim Jordan and James Comer are surely going to have a committee hearing on this, right? The DOJ being interfered with by the White House in order to manipulate results?

  6. WE KNEW THIS WHEN IT HAPPENED! It was reported on! Kavanaugh date raped people in college! He was lying under oath at his review. He is unfit to have ANY position in the government, let alone a LIFETIME appointment where he installs GOP law for them forever, across all administrations.

  7. Reiketsu_Nariseba on

    But if Kavanaugh truly did nothing wrong, then why is Trump’s team trying to conceal the probe? He just likes beer!

  8. Well, Congress was allowed to look at the report for 48 hours in a locked room without any kind of electronic devices present. The tightest security in the Trump administration ever, usually they were just stealing the documents.

  9. cutiebabexoxo on

    looks like the fbi’s kavanaugh probe was a little too cozy with the trump white house kind of like investigating your friend while they’re peeking over your shoulder it’s like they handed over the magnifying glass but said “don’t look too closely”

  10. SuperGenius9800 on

    He cried like a baby when his dirty laundry aired and blamed alcohol for his crimes like a good Christian always does.

  11. inquisitive_guy_0_1 on

    How much you want to bet the FBI wanted to look into who paid off Brett’s $100k + worth of baseball tickets and why?

    Just casual bribe taking in order to lock in the good judge’s position before seating him. They have made a complete mockery of our court system.

  12. On the Trump was inaugurated all I was thinking was about was all the people worming their way into the system while this goob sucks up all the attention. 

  13. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

    I still would like to know which billionaire paid lying, Rapey Kavenaugh’s gambling debts.

  14. Brett Kavanaugh was a career legal dirty trickster. He was involved in the Brooks Brothers Riot that prevented the fair and full counting in the 2000 election that prevented Gore from winning Florida and thus the electoral college.

    Then he worked for Ken Starr in the Lewinsky probe where his duties included leaking to the press. Constantly. This was illegal. When he was appointed, there were still a few older journalists around who asked him to release them from their duty to protect sources. He said no. But they leaked the fact he was asked. Previous White House councilors appointed to the Extreme Court required a long confirmation process for NARA to comb through records to decide what should be released and what to protect under presidential privilege as seen with previous candidates like Keagan and Roberts. With him, this needed to be avoided at all costs even if that meant violating law and tradition. So same old same old for the 45 administration.

  15. It was known at the time that this “FBI probe” was cutoff at the knees from on high and had zero teeth to do anything. It was a joke then in real time.

  16. I feel like im reading a headline from years ago. Anyone with critical thinking skills knew the investigation was always a sham. We have at least 2 SCJ that are perverts and proven sexual assaulters.

  17. Grand-Judgment-6497 on

    What’s that you say? The corrupt President protected his corrupt appointee? This was all obvious as it happened.

  18. Entire_Analysis_8821 on

    We all knew he was a piece of shit without the FBI telling us exactly why. Trump recommending him was a good indicator.

  19. I will never forget the moment where I saw Kavanaugh perjure himself in real time, on live television, because they asked him what the “devil’s triangle” was that he had in his notes. I googled it immediately, because I’d never heard it.

    There was exactly one single google result at that time. One. Urban dictionary, for “a sex position in a threesome.”

    I looked up from my phone, and he told them it was “a drinking game.”

    I will never forget that. One of our Supreme Court justices committed obvious perjury during his hearing.