Map of states existing during penultimate collapse of Russia

Posted by 23cmwzwisie


  1. 1 different alliance or just a slight change, and the geography of Eastern Europe would look completely different

  2. Sergey_Kutsuk on

    Improper western border of the Russian Empire for 1917 imho.

    If it includes Galicia as conquered one why occupied Poland (by Germans) is still Russian?

    I think better to show 1914 borders or 1918 borders (Treaty of Brest-Litowsk) though other European borders were vague at that moment.

  3. Also a snippet for the Finnish ‘communist’ Republic is omitted as I see. But maybe I am unobservant.

    And different labelings in the map and in the chart are confusing. Imho

  4. Well, some of them weren’t really existing, especially in depicted borders.

    Worst examples from depicted are “Idel-Ural” which existed only in form of “Zabulachnaya Republic”, which controlled only a few city blocks in Kazan for a few weeks and “~~Green Ukraine~~” (“Far Eastern Ukrainian Republic” officially). which didn’t controlled any territory at all (only endless comitees with claims becaming wilder and wilder when actual support for them waned more and more); Odessa SR existed on the ground, but barely controlled claimed territory except city neighbourhood; Kokand borders are wild, being far wider than even historical Kokand Khanate.

    (Also, of course, it’s only a small part of states and other polities, especially if we are going to include claimed and planned ones)

  5. This map is so ass. Barely includes half and gives incorrect names and borders. Refers to the White Army as “Czarist Army”, which is a myth easily disproven by just reading about political opinions and views on the Russian Republic of white generals. Some alliagences are incorrect. The ukrainian government in Kiev was overwhelmingly supportive of the White Army, Kiev even had a recruitment office for the Russian Volonteer Army

  6. The Odessa Soviet Republic never expanded over Bessarabia as the map implies. It claimed the territory of Bessarabia, based on fake data according to which Bessarabia was mainly inhabited by ukrainians (a lie that was also written in the soviet ultimatum given to Romania in 1940; in reality there were never more than 20% ukrainians in Bessarabia, while the local romanian/moldovan population never went under 49-50% even after intense colonizations and deportations), but there was already a state proclaimed there called The Moldavian Democratic Republic with its capital at Chisinau (from the end of 1917). So the Moldavian Democratic Republic should have been presented on this map over Bessarabia as a short lived state, not the Odessa Soviet Republic. It’s one of the inaccuracies of this map.

    I also took a look on the Wikipedia article about The Odessa Soviet Republic and noticed it also has several inaccuracies. The article was most likely last edited by russian or pro-russian users that presented some USSR/Russia narratives that are simply not true.

  7. The most laughable thing here is not division of Russia

    The most laughable thing here is unification to “Transcaucasian federation”

  8. Appropriate-Ball293 on

    Why are the names of the cities on the map incorrect? Gulyaypole – huliaipole. Kyiv – kiev. Odesa – odessa. Russian propaganda again. At that time, there were many more people’s republics, and Ukraine was an independent country with its own constitution.