In which state you can find the highest percentage of people with ancestry from every European country?..

Posted by busyfoothold


  1. Most dutch people in iowa? New York more likely.
    Dutch and Deutsch are different people

  2. Data source?

    Majority of datasets like these that were composed from asking people are super incorrect.

    They are also very hard to compose since most families have intermingle of ethnicities in them.

    More people in the US self report of having German ancestry than English which is very very wrong. Genetics study show that 20%-50% of Americans are of English ancestry – which means its vastly underreported in favor of other ethnicities. Note that this is for *all* Americans, not just white, so among white population the number is higher.

    What you really have is probably a family counts by the most recent immigrant ancestor that brought culture “from the old country” – 4 grandparents one of them Irish immigrant from the 30s? We’re Irish then and not just “generic” American.