Lonely Vladimir Putin turns 72 as birthday cards trickle in



  1. With a hated paranoid Putin, you can just see the explosive handling squad and radiation screening crew needing to open each envelope with nervous anticipation.

  2. Easy to outlive Russian male life expectancy when your decisions are an active part of lowering it

  3. LigmaDragonDeez on

    Too bad you couldn’t make a birthday card defenestrate someone

    That would be neat

  4. Whoa… what’s up with that large bulge on Putins right jacket sleeve? Is he wearing a Pip Boy from Fallout?

  5. I bet all the birthday cards were written at gunpoint, near an open ten story window.

  6. ‘The republic of Ireland wishes the lovely Putin a happy birthday’

    ‘OMG guys, we are neutral we have to wish everyone a happy birthday!’

    ‘Wait till you see the planned celebrations for ISIS birthday, going to be a hoot’.

  7. EloquentGoose on

    Mountains of presents all self bought but he’ll be opening them like “ooOOOooOOOHHH I wonder what THIS ONE is?!” for each.

  8. StrangeDeal8252 on

    > The birthday greetings for Putin, **who has now outlived Russian male life expectancy by three years**

    At 72. Lol, lmao even.

  9. How many people really care for him? Probably not many.

    “Happy Birthday” to lonely Putin. 😛

    You’ll never find satisfaction in your remaining life. You caused grief to Russia and Ukraine. You are cancer of the world.

  10. HussingtonHat on

    Big ole bit of smallest under his bundle reading “some may have fallen out of a window since writing.”

  11. GardenGnomeOfEden on

    I thought this piece of shit was dying of cancer. What ever happened with that? I’m starting to believe the conspiracy theories that the real Putin was replaced by one of his body doubles.

  12. I wonder how delusional he is, or if he knows people only send because they fear for their lives?

  13. Professional-Break19 on

    Too bad trump is not in charge to give him another middle east territory like when trump gave Syria to Putin for his birthday in 2019 🤣