Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.



  1. PDgenerationX on

    I’m not a Trump supporter but can honestly say that I don’t give a rats ass what HRC has to say.

  2. TheLaughingMannofRed on

    We gave him 4 years to prove what he was talking about, and to do what he intended when he campaigned, and then to see fully what he did while in office.

    Like it or not, he was accepted as President for those 4 years. And when the time came to either give him another 4 years or pick someone else, 2020 played out as it did. And now we’re about to have 2024 play out as it will. The public will decide who they want in office, and after that, let us just move on.

    But make sure to pick someone that will give you the assurance that you *will* be able to vote again in another 4 years. This country will be 250 years old come 2026, and it would be nice for us to make it there and not be in a crisis of any kind.

  3. BebophoneVirtuoso on

    I think it’s pretty obvious that when you receive millions of fewer votes than your opponent you have legitimacy issues, but I really wish she would just drink her chardonnay in Chappaqua and leave us alone. I don’t recall candidates like Dukakis or Kerry still discussing their election defeats a decade later.

  4. She’s right…

    Unless you knew for a fact that Trump had sex partners when Barron was four months old, your vote was STOLEN! You did not have the knowledge required to give your informed consent. There can be no free and fair election when voters are defrauded by lies. We were conned…grabbed by the privates.

    Add to that Trump’s encouragement and acceptance of foreign interference and exploitation of the GOP’s outing of the Comey private communication to his oversight re: re-opening the email investigation and you have even more signs of Trump’s disavowal of the fundamental principles of democracy. [www.principlesofdemocracy.org](http://www.principlesofdemocracy.org)

    It’s not just that you win but also how you win.

  5. My money is on *He got them to give him votes, like in 2020, but succeeded without leaks*

  6. beland-photomedia on

    She should not have joined the chorus of “give him a chance.” It just normalized that disgrace.

  7. Major-Competition973 on

    So she’s an election denier who says the election is stolen? I wonder who I’ve heard that from before? Or is that somehow different?

  8. Worried_Quarter469 on

    “No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”

    While all of the above is true…right now it’s unnecessarily inflammatory to say he’s not a real president without tying it to specific provable criminal behavior…not a good time…

  9. As far as I’m concerned he wasn’t the legitimate President 2016-20. We were occupied by a Russian agent.

    Never again.