Parks Canada closes Banff National Park backcountry area to facilitate Indigenous bison hunt


  1. You have to be shitting me.

    It has taken over 7 years to grow the heard from 16 to 100 and cost almost 7 million dollars.

    Now we are suddenly changing the law to allowing firearms and hunting in a national park?

  2. Chairman_Mittens on

    “The bison population growth rate is expected to slow in the coming years”

    Hmm, I wonder why.

  3. EntertainingTuesday on

    These numbers seem low to grow a population without damaging inbreeding but that is just going off my general knowledge. I find it kind of crazy that millions were put into a repopulation project and they don’t even know the population numbers.

  4. Commercial-Set3527 on

    >Since the reintroduction, the bison herd’s population growth was recorded at an average of 33 per cent a year, while the natural mortality rate was less than one per cent. The removal of four dispersing bulls that wandered onto provincial lands accounted for another one per cent.

    Wow that’s pretty good. I wonder how they determine who gets the tickets or maybe it’s 8 groups that get to go and each group get only 1 between them?

  5. WorkThrowaway91 on

    It’s okay to ruin conservation efforts, as long as we are providing special privileges to the races at the top of the oppression pyramid.


    Gotta love blatant racism masked as “progress” and “reconciliation”. What a joke of a country we live in.

  6. LongjumpingGate8859 on

    Give it 20 years and we will all be paying a secondary property tax to the FN because our homes are built on unceded land.

    Mark my words.

  7. mistermarpole on

    Pal married a FN and his family, his kids especially, are golden. Get your kids status and it will be the best gift you can give them.

  8. robertomeyers on

    Lets get some protesters there to block access, we need to stop the ceremonial killing of bison, its cruel and unnecessary.

  9. Will_Debate_You on

    Christ this comment section is a cesspool. The Gov does something minuscule for the Indigenous population, and the general consensus is the government is racist against white people? Y’all want to be victims so bad.

  10. This ain’t a bad thing. They are only taking a couple. Kinda cool there’s enough bison that they can now do this again. Proper management means you can hunt and the pop grows. Sweet.

  11. 00000000000000001313 on

    Lots of crack smokers on this post needing a little of that involuntary treatment