1. Of course he will. He needs to grift as much from his maga base as he can before prison.

  2. ranchoparksteve on

    If Donald Trump can launch a legitimate crypto currency it only proves the worthlessness of the entire industry.

  3. No one ever learns.

    Donald J. Trump cares about one thing: himself.

    He would throw his own children (except maybe Ivanka) under the bus to save himself.

    He will use anyone around him to make more money and then toss them out like garbage.

  4. Of course he will. No money grubbing act is too low for Trump. He and Musk don’t care about the techbros that support them. They only want money and power.

  5. starcom_magnate on

    Not sure how people still can’t see – Trump cares only for Trump.

    How can people be so blind to this?

  6. OMightyMartian on

    With Donald Trump, it’s a Night of the Long Knives every other night of the week, and his supporters are always shocked when he basically runs over them, and the backs up and does it again.

    “I can’t believe Trump is exactly the person he portrays himself as! I thought I was special.” – Every single person that has publicly backed Trump, imagining he’d even remember their names in a month.

  7. hookisacrankycrook on

    It will be like the Oklahoma Bible situation. Trump will launch a coin then the government will write specifications for a national coin that only his can meet.

  8. Bitcoin bros don’t think twice about Trump’s crypto projects. Bitcoin bros know there’s Bitcoin and there’s shitcoins. No Bitcoin bro wants anything to do with Trump’s mess.

  9. Given how little Trump understand about crypto (or anything, for that matter), he probably thinks he already launched his own “coin” when he released his “commemorative medallions” last week. Stupid shithead doesn’t even understand how money works.

  10. He’s getting into crypto so when he high-tails it outta here he can move/hide his wealth anywhere in the world.

  11. Antisocial-sKills on

    At this point if you still haven’t learned that everything Trump does is a grift you deserve to be scammed like an idiot.

  12. LovesFrenchLove_More on

    It‘ll be called „shitcoin“. Anybody wants to buy some used toilets? 😁

  13. thas_mrsquiggle_butt on

    O, he certainly will. Even though they feel “betrayed” a lot of them will still be all for Trump. Speaking of which, is this really the hill some are willing to die on?

    Not that he’s a pedophile, money launder, rapist, racist, terrorist, a Putin-Kim Jong Un butt kisser (probably killed some people or watched it happen), stole u.s. military secrets and sold them to our foreign advisories, but because he’s going to be making his own digital coin which will take away the value of these dudes currently digital coin.

    At this point, I think I’ve heard all the excuses and seen all the hills that I can stand.

  14. If your product loses out in the marketplace to anything owned and operated by Donald Trump, then you have a truly, ***truly***, shitty product.

    Just imagine if you’re a beef wholesaler, and you get put out of business by Trump Steaks. Or a football league that goes under because Donald Trump bought a team.

  15. It would be so unlike him to not try and scam people and what better group than his base because he can get away with murder evidently!

  16. amithecrazyone69 on

    Trump crypto will crash and somehow expose the social security numbers of everyone that bought one, probably 

  17. nomorerainpls on

    If you find yourself in a situation where you feel “betrayed” by Trump you might wanna question your life choices

  18. Shitty human beings who scam getting scammed by an even shittier subhuman shitgoblin.

    You love to see it.

  19. if he can grift his cult, then, yeah, he’ll start his own coin.

    Anyone dumb enough to buy his terrible shoes or sacrilegious bible, is dumb enough to buy jars of genuine trump dumps.