FIRST READING: Young Canadians now more politically conservative than their elders


  1. bananaphonepajamas on

    Having the whole time people remember be a slow degradation of quality of life filled with broken promises means they’re going to move away from the parties that contributed to that?

    I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

  2. Not surprising, they’ve seen a decade of Liberal + NDP policies not do much for their cost of living + quality of life.

  3.  No, they’re not. The National Post is conflating a dislike of the LPC as support for the CPC. Given that on nearly every position, young Canadians are opposed to the CPC platform you’d be hard pressed to say otherwise  


    Human Rights?

    I can keep going.

  4. PhilosopherDull6239 on

    People are disillusioned and don’t care to preserve institutions they see as ultimately having failed them – it’s not shocking. What will be a shock for many older Canadians is a) the degree to which this rage is both deep and broad amongst Canadians under 40, and b) the complete and utter lack of empathy this is breeding when it comes to seniors issues.

  5. TheOGFamSisher on

    Maybe some but I seriously doubt young people are going full right wing in mass like these articles claim. If anything majority of this conservative support is simply to get Trudeau out. They have decided getting him out of power is more important then ideology

  6. Mysterious-Job-469 on

    Old people get OAS (WHICH IS GOING *UP!!!*) on top of social security and their home equity.

    Young people are told to sit on it and spin.

    Liberals: WHY ARE WE DYING IN THE POLLS?????????????????? We should keep spamming money at the most privileged, least financially contributing, and most financially secure group in Canada at the expense of the young and working poor, some of the least privileged and financially secure groups in Canada.

  7. Healthy-Car-1860 on

    Lying headline by conservative media.

    Disliking Justin Trudeau because immigration and housing have been bungled for a decade does not equal “more conservative than their elders”

  8. OttoVonDisraeli on

    There’s a narrative on the right which some on the left might be unaware of and that is that being right-leaning has become a bit more counter-culture amongst the youth, similar to how progressivism might have once been. Some will say this is reflective of that, but it’s very hard to say. There’s A LOT of stuff out there that talks about Gen Zed being more conservative than their elder generations, but we also have to remember that Gen Zed and Millennials are the first to live through the never-ending culture war where everything is a new front of the battle and where nuance is dead.

    If I were a Conservative strategist I would advise to not read too into this newfound plurality of support amongst the younger generations, as we don’t want to mistake dislike of the LPC and desire for change for meaningful partisanship. Wait a few election cycles before claiming victory over these new demographics.

  9. Voters are largely jumping to the CPC because they feel fed up with Trudeau and are desperate for any government that can deliver more positive socio-economic outcomes. Poilievre’s blue wave for instance has less to do with an ideological shift in Canada and more to do with an erosion of faith in the current government.

    Looking forward to 2029-2030 etc. I’d expect an incumbent Poilievre government to be in hot water with the electorate due to it’s stance on climate & social issues etc. Now voters are focused on cost of living to the point that those policies are being mostly overlooked. It’s even arguable that largely what kept the CPC out of power in 2019 and 2021 even as the Trudeau government’s popularity waned was the CPC’s Reform wing baggage.

  10. RoyalPeacock19 on

    I mean, it should be no surprise that the young are moving in that direction, they feel abandoned by the left so of course they will go to the people who at least nominally care for their main problems.

  11. I feel like the more concerning (and valid) trend is the number of young men who are aligning with far-right views and incel/trad wife bullshit.