Self-identifying Indigenous group got $74-million in federal cash, Inuit leader wants change


  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “As millions in federal funding flow into a Labrador group whose claims of Inuit identity have been rejected by Indigenous organizations across Canada, a national Inuit leader worries the Liberal government is putting the rights of Indigenous Peoples at risk.

    Natan Obed, president of an organization representing about 70,000 Inuit across Canada, said he wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over a year ago to express his concern about the NunatuKavut Community Council’s ability to receive federal grants and fisheries allocations based on a “simple self-declaration of Inuit identity.”

    He said he has not received a response.”

    . . .

    “In June, the council received a “special allocation” in the newly reopened northern cod fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador, allowing its harvesters a portion of this year’s total catch”

  2. PmMeYourBeavertails on

    We literally created the Metis out of thin air, why shouldn’t other people have a right to feel special too?

  3. Altaccount330 on

    The Indigenous communities in Canada don’t want genetic testing to prove indigenous heritage for a variety of reasons, including the fact that genetic testing proves that they’re migrants from Asia.

  4. Fancy-Ambassador6160 on

    Lol. Why Is our country so broke??? Funny how we trip over ourselves to check diversity boxes, but can’t get food on plates or roofs over heads for citizens. The sooner we have one set of rules for everyone, the better.

  5. Wow. So federal government under Trudeau actually reneged legit, proven Indian status on a lot of mi’kmaq a few years ago. And now he’s just giving millions away to those that self identity? What universe are we living in

  6. MooseBearBeaverHairs on

    I worked with foster children in Ontario. A family can claim indigenous rights with zero proof and be given access to the resources specifically meant for that population. Many people abuse this. I think people should show through DNA test, or family tree, or an indigenous community that claims them (any one of those three will do). There are also so many white people who have been told they have an indigenous ancestor when they absolutely do not.

    I understand offering equity opportunities to a population that has been denied opportunities (also appropriate rights to practice culture). But some due diligence is in order.

  7. knocksteaady-live on

    indigenous spending is such a grift from the federal government – no accountability and no checks and balances. and over time, these payments have only gone up. what do we have to show for it?

  8. Famous-Werewolf-224 on

    i’m just more annoyed that I didn’t think of this first. All I had to do was identify as indigenous?

    … and people wonder why I work so hard to find tax loopholes