Hi all.

Sorry for doing this in english, my Serbian sucks as I was born abroad.

Anyway, I laughed the first time I heard that the word for sockets is gedore like the brand. And later found out Hilti is used for a concrete hammer drills.

What other words are like this in the Serbian language?


Posted by Iwanttobemorefree


  1. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_trademark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_trademark)



    From the top of my mind, we have bankomat, Jeep and Frigidaire (frižider).

  2. Sveti_Natakarije on

    Frižider as in refrigerator, from French manufacturer Frigidaire, Digitron as in calculator from Croatian company of the same name, kalodont as in toothpaste, but its dying out nowadays and is once again just tooth paste, vegeta, vegetable seasoning mix mostly associated with exYu countries dishes, eurokrem, hazelnut and milk spread, named after Serbian company Takovo brand name for any similar black and white spread.

  3. Nes kao “Hladan Nes” je u stvari bilo kakva instant kafa sa slicnim karakteristikama.

  4. banshee_screamer on

    Moji omiljeni koje jos niko nije pomenuo:

    Kombajn od Combined harwester.

    Klozet od ~~Wetting~~ Water Closet.

    Kackavalj za svaki tvrdi sir.