qırmızı moruq ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)
elliiaaa on
demeli you take a knife. put it under the lid, then you gotta find the hole underneath and move the knife cikicik left right cikicik. yo jam is open. thats what i learned from nene baba versiyasi.
P4R4D0XG4M3R on
I am so sleepy I fr thought they made the country in a jam lmfao
awgeezmensch on
NafNafNifNif on
Put a sharp knife between the cap and the jar and try to make an opening so some air escapes from within. Be careful doing this though.
FewAastronaut on
A knife, a beer opener, I used to open with a key.
Beer opener
qırmızı moruq ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)
demeli you take a knife. put it under the lid, then you gotta find the hole underneath and move the knife cikicik left right cikicik. yo jam is open. thats what i learned from nene baba versiyasi.
I am so sleepy I fr thought they made the country in a jam lmfao
Put a sharp knife between the cap and the jar and try to make an opening so some air escapes from within. Be careful doing this though.
A knife, a beer opener, I used to open with a key.