Google Maps already says in the morning that the Järvevana tunnel is closed, but I drove there and there was no sign of closure, wazes is also ok, does anyone know what the problem is?
Google Maps already says in the morning that the Järvevana tunnel is closed, but I drove there and there was no sign of closure, wazes is also ok, does anyone know what the problem is?
Google elab omas väikses maailmas
Äkki juhtus mingi õnnetus õhtul ja google maps pole veel uuendanud liiklusinfot.
Gmaps ja Waze peaks ju pmts sama asi olemas.
Lahendus on lihtne – tuleb Waze kasutada.
Tunnel autodele suletud. Ainult rattarajad seal nüüd.
Google Maps on vähem usaldusväärsem kui Waze.