How certain House Representatives voted for H.R. 41 (113th): Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

Posted by So_spoke_the_wizard


  1. BellyDancerEm on

    Funny how many of the nays and not votings were hit hard last week. And you know they will be demanding the same aid they wanted to deny NYC. Don’t get me wrong, those people need aid too, but they should be ashamed of attempting to deny aid to others in need

  2. DoubleDipCrunch on

    they’re not elected to actually do anything for thier constituants.

    they’re elected to OWN THE LIBZ.

  3. Foxx is entrenched in Western NC like no one else on the East Coast. As far as I can tell she’s universally reviled but has the magic R next to her name, so…

  4. RedFoxWhiteFox on

    Seems like a baiting post or worse, an us vs. them post (othering). Downvote me to hell. The people who are suffering right now need help not snark, and not everyone – especially children – is responsible for electing leaders.

    Edit: a word

  5. Historical-Shine-786 on

    What happened TWELVE YEARS ago does not excuse Biden & Harris from their lame decisions to spend $1B in FEMA emergency funds set aside to help disaster victims on airline tix & housing illegal aliens in $300/night hotels in NYC (not to mention $5,000 cash cards)! Thats a horrible misappropriation and a clear breech of public trust!! 😠

    Even Obama didn’t spend the 2012 FEMA money on illegals b/c HE KNEW BETTER than to do something that despicable to the American people. Shame on YOU for conflating two unrelated things just to run cover for this evil regime in power now. 😡

  6. smirkingoyster on

    Just remember that if we give to Americans, that cuts into what we have available for Ukraine & Israel.

  7. That western NC district (the 11th) is on its third representative since the Sandy vote was taken.

    The NC-11 representative who voted against Sandy aid: Mark Meadows.

  8. Right wingers like empathy for strangers. That’s what makes them right wingers in the first place.