Iran: We have a counter-response ready if Israel attacks


  1. The counter response will be publicly announced when and where by Iran and have almost no impact. Iran willingly plays the game to help keep the conflict going because it is beneficial to them despite fake reasoning it uses on its own people convincing them that the “infidels” have been beaten back.

  2. IllustriousCaramel66 on

    Iran vows to destroy Israel for years, and the past year made it clear these words ought to be taken seriously.
    In my honest opinion Israel has an obligation to destroy Iran’s capabilities and leadership.

    I pray this will end soon.

    With Iran getting free, and Hamas and Hezbollah destroyed.🇮🇱🙏🏾❤️

  3. Oh yeah? Well we have a response to your response to our response to your response to our response to your response….

    Can the adults please take over?

  4. Accurate-Love- on

    Anyone find it odd that everything is so publicized? Is like a sports announcer discussing every play by play event. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  5. Iran funds terror because they want to hurt their enemies without getting involved directly in a terror attack. The missiles they’re launching are more about saving face and trying to show they won’t be walked on without retaliation. A direct conflict does not accomplish their goals.

    I see a lot of comments here misunderstanding Iran’s intentions in financial term’s, which is very American but not very helpful. It’s important to realize that the people in charge are actually religious extremists or playing to religious extremism to stay in power.

  6. It’s odd they didn’t just shoot all their missiles the first time. Are they admitting that it was just a show?

  7. anotherpredditor on

    Its getting blown up right? Thats their great response. Anything else is just talk.

  8. I don’t think if Israel attacks that Iran will have anything left to counter attack with.

  9. Does “dying in a collapsed bunker” count as a counter-response? because if so, this sounds accurate to me

  10. The level of delusional arrogance that Iran lives under just because it can send water heaters, of which most get shot down if over high value targets, is comical. The US’s good graces in continuing to let them over the past couple of decades doesn’t help. They seem to think that they found a cheat code in warfare, which is to have couple thousands of water heaters, and others will just lie down and pretend to enjoy whatever they do.

  11. So you are telling them they need to obliterate you / your leadership to avoid future attack.

    Do you really think that’s wise?

  12. Yeah and my girlfriend totally is hot, you just don’t know her, she goes to a different school.

  13. The way the media is just reporting each country’s war plans is just crazy, it’s waiting for a UFC event

  14. TheRetromancer on

    Is it “fall to our knees and beg them not to spread our asscheeks like what happened the last two times the Arab nations pissed off Israel”?

  15. You have counter-response ready? Lots of rocket, drone and missile?

    I think Israel is well versed in counter-response-counter. 😛

  16. Hmm… does it involve throwing a bunch of rockets in the general direction of Israel and watching them get shot down?

  17. Let me guess, it’s lob another couple hundred missiles in a westerly direction in the hopes that one of them lands on a Jewish person, any Jewish person, doesn’t matter, but if it’s a Sunni Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or someone that worships Odin, for example, that’s cool too.

  18. I am certain the US isn’t only stalling for time but leaking information to Iran. Israel shouldn’t have given it time to prepare, it had to strike hard and fast where it hurts.

  19. When the hypothetical response/escalation ladder ends with your side eventually getting nuked, what’s the point of climbing in the first place?

    I mean last I heard, Iran doesn’t have as big a stick as Israel. So why bother?