Do you remember Felix Baumgartner?

He jumped from a balloon at an altitude of 39 km. It is really so extremely high that it is hard to fathom.

So I tried to make it in Blender via super high res Google Maps photos so I could see what it would look like if he had jumped over Copenhagen

The tiny dot to the right of Saltholm is a Boeing 777 at an altitude of 12,000 metres.

It’s an 8k VR360 3D, if there is anyone who can see that kind of thing, but otherwise it can also just be seen normally, but it looks pretty crazy in VR

Hvis Felix Baumgartner var sprunget ud over København.
byu/thhedk inDenmark

Posted by thhedk


  1. Fedt! Jeg tænkte lige da jeg så den pixelerede tekst at det ville være helt horribelt men så drejede jeg mobilen rundt! Nice! Kunne være fedt at se flyveturen nedad!