Ireland is ‘not immune’, says Taoiseach on reports of politician being ‘recruited by Russian intelligence’

Posted by miju-irl


  1. He should know given all his pseudonymous accounts mean he was probably compromised by the Brits years ago.

  2. PaddySmallBalls on

    Careful Simon! Our society may break down now that you told the Irish public our politicians are corruptible. How can we recover from this shocking news!?


  3. Knowing the level of intelligence of our politicians this person probably flying in and out of Russia every few weeks

  4. No_Scarcity_3100 on

    Fine Gael are wise to this as they have many years of experience of working with American intelligence operatives , cough correction I mean members of gov … Perfectly legitimate as we’re only selling off our assets to American private interests … Remember folks tis alright to betray yer countries best interests as long as it’s in the name of neoliberalism

  5. TheStoicNihilist on

    This is the most exciting thing to happen in Irish politics since the canary yellow trousers.

  6. The Russians are all saying how cheap the Irish politicians were, by international standards.

  7. Impressive_Essay_622 on

    I’ve spammed this. But just in case.. as some comments have already tried to minimise this stuff. 

    2 months ago a u.s. indictment was released. It showed the russian state (via RT) were covertly paying (Canadians and Americans) Dave Rubin, Tim pool, Lauren southern and more.. millions..  MILLIONS.. for YouTube videos that were barely getting a few hundred K views. 

    And what was the talking points they wanted 
    ‘immigrant bad.’

      .. all the usual populist shite that our village idiots are getting tantrum-y about. 

    If you don’t think that Russia has had a direct impact on every racist English speaking nation online in the last few years, you’re mad. Thankfully just with the idiots. But as we know… Our idiots are causing problems.

    We have proof. The indictment is available to read online. 

    Direct spying & political interference is really bad. But the national lack of media literacy is going to lead to much worse consequences in the long term.

    Look at America rn….

  8. EltonBongJovi on

    Timely after the Mossad/Pascal Donohoe info, seems already confirmed that we have been infiltrated by Israel.

    Trying to shine the light somewhere else?

  9. Kyadagum_Dulgadee on

    I think we can all rest easy that Helen McEntee is probably the line minister dealing with this Russian espionage situation.

  10. Had to be one of the rural lads, believing in fairies and their ego that they could pull a Russian bombshell

  11. NopePeaceOut2323 on

    Ireland is not immune… sorry but politicians should be held at a higher standard and not let off the hook.

  12. Shadowbringers on

    So we’re just not going to be let known who this traitor is? Meanwhile he is going about his business in the Dail, getting paid public money and presumably going to run again in the upcoming election?

    We absolutely should be made aware of the traitors identity immediately. People could be VOTING for him imminently. The fact the news has broken means the traitor already knows they have been caught out. And the Russians know too. Therefore there can’t be much more secure information left to gain from keeping this confidential.

    The Irish people have a right to know who has betrayed their trust.

  13. If it was a minister that would likely have been mentioned in the report. Same for any government TD presumably. You’d have to assume that the ‘security services’ would have tipped the Dept of An Taoiseach off to that effect quite a while ago and this would never have been heard of.
    So you’re looking for a male TD most likely, on the opposition benches who has travelled outside the EU during the Brexit process. Not going to take long to narrow that down

  14. Silver_Marionberry_9 on

    So he hasn’t committed a crime and cannot be charged yet the Gardai are still investigating him. (For something that is not a crime)

    We live in a country where you can be placed under surveillance and monitored without any crime being committed. Yet China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela are evil and need democracy but Israel and Saudi Arabia don’t.

    Can anybody please just stop and think for 5 minutes about how insane this all is? Please just think about it.

  15. Watching the Gript and Ditch lads sweat bullets and furiously cope-tweet about this all day brings a smile to my face.

  16. We don’t need russians in Ireland. Actually we do need russians anywhere except russia