Flights from all Iran’s airports canceled until Monday morning, Mehr says


  1. IveKnownItAll on

    People are more afraid of Iran hitting a plane than they are Israel. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve shot down a passenger plane

  2. Israel could do the funniest thing by not attacking and keeping them in a perpetual state of anxiety about the impending attack

  3. SereneTryptamine on

    Let’s be real, nobody wants to be in the air anywhere between Iran and the eastern Med on Monday. I can only imagine the number of twitchy people with SAMs.

  4. FlightRadar24 shows multiple airliners having departed Tehran within the last hour with no planned destination.

  5. InevitableRaisin on

    I’ll be really surprised if Israel do it on or just before Oct 7th. It’s a really traumatic day for Israelis and the diaspora alike, and I just don’t think we all need this on this day. Just let us grieve together in silence.

    Hit them f*cking hard on Oct 8th though please.

  6. Israel would be wise to take out all of Iran’s airports. The US can’t send them money by plane if they don’t have any.

  7. Air traffic patterns in Eastern Europe through the Middle East have become really interesting.