After the Musk/Trump rally, there’s a better word for Republicans than ‘weird’


  1. > At this point, though, you have to wonder if “weird” is the right word anymore. Maybe “embarrassing” would be better. The pictures to come out of the event certainly are – one shows Musk in the middle of a jaunty little half-hop while Trump looks on like a disappointed father; another has Musk leaning in to talk to Trump with a look on his face that reads as “finally, the approval my father never gave me”.

  2. I suggest *alipori*. It’s a Spanish word but the roots are latin.

    It combines *alius* (other) and *pudor* (shame). So it literally means *vicarious embarrasment.*

    Edit: No, wait, it wouldn’t work because they would not understand it 🙁

  3. >accompanied by the richest man in the world and “real life Tony Stark” (yes, we really used to call him that)

    Idk who this “we” is. I’ve known Elon was a fraudulent douchebag since 2010. I lost friends in grad school for saying he’s actually not that great and just wait until he says what he really thinks.

  4. Eatthehamsters69 on

    ‘freaks’ or ‘freakshow’, like how many of their candidates have come out now as blatant nazis?

    Or flat earthers, anti-vaxxer or hurricane conspiracist.

    They are freaks

  5. SkillFullyNotTrue on

    Remember when Jack Smith Subpoena Musk for Trump’s Twitter data? Is this Musk playing a clown to not be label a snitch?

  6. OldKingClancey on

    I still think weird is the best word for them.

    We can call them losers, dorks, douchebags. But weird has that element of disgust, where it goes beyond a playground insult and asks “Why aren’t you normal” to a group of people shouting so hard about how their racist, misogynistic, backwards-fucking-ass thinking is normal and the rest of us are weird for wanting to treat everyone equally

  7. In case you were wondering, the words the article picked were “embarrassing,” “disgusting,” and “pathetic,” before ultimately settling on “losers.”

  8. I mean, it’s a billionaire and a wannabe billionaire talking to blue collar folks and fooling them that they’re all alike.

    The only thing thing they have in common is the racism.

  9. Educational_Idea997 on

    There was a time I held this man in high esteem. The right one, never the left one. After all he gave humanity electric mobility and could make a rocket come down vertically. It appears he sold his soul to the devil. But probably everyone that rich has.

  10. “Weird” is just the perfect balance of accuracy and childishness to hit them where it hurts. Anything more sophisticated than sixth grade doesn’t work the same way.

  11. This article mischaracterizes why ‘weird’ is such a good word to use against them. It’s because it others them and and puts them othe defensive. We’ve called Trump an embarrassment for a decade at this point, and where has that gotten us?

  12. Just to remember, one scream once ended a political, career. Can someone reboot the Matrix, it doesn’t feel realistic anymore

  13. Even though the whole concept of alpha males has been 100% proven false (wolf study that took wolves from different packs and threw them together, then watched them fight) this is the most beta, weak men bullshit I’ve ever seen.

    I guess this is what The Boys meant when dumb fucks stupid.

  14. PropofolMargarita on

    This is gold about the current state of the GOP:

    >t’s the party of losers like Musk, desperate for validation but totally incapable of earning it. It’s the party of losers like JD Vance, who knows that he can’t actually back up any of his so-called beliefs, and so makes up stories about immigrants eating people’s pets to frighten voters into being on his side. It’s the party of losers like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who seems to sincerely believe that “they” – whoever “they” are – can control the weather.

  15. ResponsibleAppeal137 on

    Author is getting a little it ahead of themselves when saying they’re “losers“ because Trump can win

    Dems and decent folks everywhere, do not forget for one second:
    Trump Can Win.

    Arrogance got us 2016. Let’s maybe not repeat that mistake.

  16. There’s a handful of votes across the country that are worth way more than the amount of effort and money Elon has put into this campaign. Please, please don’t squander the value of your vote. Get out there and shut this asshole down.

  17. RyanCooganVoices on

    *In theory, the event should have been a slam dunk … Instead what we got was the propaganda equivalent of an air ball, as the two men’s combined presence somehow managed to be even less than the sum of its parts – presumably putting us well into negative territory.*

    *They spread lies, they inflamed political tensions, and they targeted the vulnerable – all in a day’s work for two men who could afford to pay people to teach them social skills, but instead choose to be the poster boys for “white nationalism, but somehow even stupider”.*

    Quite pleased with that.