More than 970 migrants cross Channel – the highest number so far this year

Posted by topotaul


  1. Wakingupisdeath on

    I’m beginning to consider the public is being subject to a psyop with the goal to demoralise the native population. 

  2. The removal of the winter fuel payment will help to put them up in a hotel for next 3-5 years.

  3. We should stop backing countries that cause refugee crises if we’re serious about reducing these numbers. 

  4. WeRegretToInform on

    Oh, if only Rishi were still here. We’d still have 970 migrants coming in, but we’d also have maybe ten which we’d managed bribe in to going to Rwanda.

  5. Ebeneezer_G00de on

    Great news, more doctors, nurses, maths and science teachers. Talented professionals. Highly skilled sought after engineers. Lots of bright young entrepreneurial people who share our liberal values and are going to enrich our culture and help make up for the plumetting birth rate. Thank goodness someone will be there to look after the ageing boomers.

  6. All-Day-stoner on

    We really forget that the crossings started straight after Brexit, when we left the EU. The ghouls who sold you Brexit are the same people who are trying to convince you they can solve this issue.

  7. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    If were to average 500 people arriving on boat crossings over a year – 500 x 365, that comes to 182,500 people from boat crossings alone, and that’s not including legal migration to the UK which was like 600k or 700k last year.

    It doesn’t seem sustainable at all. I’m not anti immigration either really. I enjoy new cultures and people from different countries in the UK. However we never build the services and housing to match the amount of people that are coming each year, alongside the amount of people already in the UK without the necessary housing and services needed.

    The governments aim to build 300k homes a year which I don’t think will be possible predominantly relying on the private sector to do it, will still be nowhere near enough to fix the housing issues in the UK when you have the volumes of people that are coming in each year!

    We probably need more like a million homes built a year!

  8. Completely unsustainable. Without ever doing anything to contribute to this country each one of these people are likely to end up costing the country hundreds of thousands of pounds and that’s before even considering stuff like the effects this has on housing, crime etc for the rest of the population. We can’t just absorb the world’s poor and expect British taxpayers to pay for it. Quality of life is declining for most people as it is. 

  9. ong, that means it will be 354k a year. It will cost 10 billion a year to take care them. If it does not change, it will cost 100 billion after 4 years. Which is more than HS2 and all other infrastructure combined.

  10. How many children were born to families economically disadvantaged by 3 decades of neoliberalism, more than 970 a year

  11. waterfallregulation on

    I did some maths based on the figures released June 2023 and it was costing £53,000 per person per year to house people arriving illegally in hotels. So these 970 will cost us the tax payer £51,500,000 approximately for a one year hotel stay.

    Then those offered asylum (most will be) will be advised by refugee charities to present as homeless and then will most likely get put in temporary accommodation before being offered a council house which cost on average £238,000 to build. If 50% from Saturdays arrivals get asylum that’s around £1.1 billion in council housing – based on averages, of course some will get 1 bed flats but others will get 4 bed houses for their families.

    So these solution is raise taxes and cut services to afford them all.

    On top of the increased rapes, terror instances, murders and other issues we’re seeing off of the back of illegal immigration we’re spending billions of pounds we can’t afford. It’s not fair on the working man and woman who pay tax is it. Not fair and not sustainable.

    Look at the problems Germany and France has with asylum seekers the past few years – rape after rape, murder after murder, incidents of terror……. We’ve seen these all here too.

    I’m tired of it – tired and fed up.

    I’m sick of people who pretend they don’t see issues with asylum numbers and play the “you’re racist!” blame game with anyone with a contrary opinion – to the “let’s have a land without boarders” crowd; Europe has a population of 749,000,000. There’s 800,000,000 the EHCR says would be classed as refugees should they claim asylum in Europe. At what point do you admit unlimited asylum seekers making their way to Europe is not sustainable?

  12. To the apologists that keep saying that legal immigration dwarfs illegal and we’re all being manipulated to think this is a bigger issue than it is: this is a rate of 350,000 PER YEAR, *and the problem is only getting worse*.

    This will cripple us. We need to get harsh, like military operations to sink boats harsh.