I’m writing a slovak character from the 1890s and I want to confirm if a couple of things are accurate.

PS: He is from the central, mountanous area of Slovakia, probably Žilina but I haven’t quite decided yet

  1. Language

Firstly, how similar was czech and slovak? In the story I have czech side characters and how well they could communicate with the main character is important.
I know Slovakia was in Hungary’s sphere of influence, but would it be plausible for a middle class slovak in that time period to know austrian german too?

  1. Industrialization

Compared to other parts of the empire, how industrialized was Slovakia?

  1. Folklore

How intertwined are slovak and hungarian folklore?

The hungarian folkloric song that I linked fits his theme and character very well, I would consider hiring a VA to sing it, and I was wondering if in Slovakia there is a similar song.

  1. Is there anything else I should take into consideration that would affect the setting?

PS: The genre of the story is historical fiction, it’s not really action-based, it’s character based, it’s about observing the environment and social dynamics of that muddy period in slovak history

Posted by gombotenjoyer

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