Ex-cabinet secretary says £200,000 job is underpaid


Posted by Tartan_Samurai


  1. long-the-short on

    Let’s be real here, he’s right.

    We might not like it but he’s right.

    And as per history repeating itself time and time again low wages in high pressure/importance roles etc result in corruption, bribes and under table deals.

  2. RippedYogieBear on

    Government work usually ain’t for the salary, not sure what other benefits they get though, no doubt the pension is off the chain

  3. Considering the gravity of the job, most cabinet ministers (and indeed I would argue MP’s) are underpaid tbh.

    Re MP’s more broadly they don’t get nearly enough staff to make informed decisions- the yanks do that specifically far, far better than us.

  4. flipitquickson on

    I feel for him, must be tough working for a pittance, right I’m off to start my 12 hour shift for £11.50 an hour

  5. TherealPreacherJ on

    There’s not a single job in the world I wouldn’t put my heart and soul into if you gave me 200k a year. People are far, far too materialistic if 200k isn’t considered good enough.

  6. ForwardTourist6079 on

    Yeah I totally feel the guy’s pain. I wonder if he thinks people actually doing proper jobs like our nurses, firemen, cops, teachers etc are underpaid also

  7. Why not tie MP’s salaries to median wage? If they need more money, they have to make the country better for everyone.

  8. Willing-Departure115 on

    (Sorry about the paywall) PwC average UK partner pay falls to £862,000 as sales growth slows https://on.ft.com/3XUFgOn

    I know you can say “they should do it for the public service”, but the reality is that at the highest levels you compete for a pool of people who could be off doing work (which often attracts a lot less public scrutiny) for a lot more. The cabinet secretary is the head of the entire civil service in the country, it’s a big job, and some of the candidates for the role aren’t even in the service right now, having gone off to have successful careers outside it already. (Another thing people often complain about: lifers who are institutionalised running the place. But… we don’t want to pay more to get people back in).

    Penny wise, pound foolish tends to be the populist way to think about public spending sometimes.

  9. DecentManufacturer27 on

    He’s absolutely right but the vast majority of the UK earn peanuts so don’t understand and think it’s a big wage. Any top private sector job in the US is in the realm of millions

  10. He is 100% correct. And this miserable sub is just the comment section on the daily mail website

  11. Putting it into the context he is looking at. In times past a minister would be looking to have a good size family home in London and put all three children through private school.

    That isn’t happening today on £200k