Pedro: “To all the MAGA Voters who want me and my people gone, have fun in 2025 making your BIG SALAD”

Posted by golfnut82


  1. OkExchange3959 on

    You can singlehandedly decide the result of this year’s election with one simple action:

    Telling everyone you know to register for voting.

    If you haven’t registered yet, visit

    Republicans are unpopular and weird. This includes Project 2025. The only reason that this election is so close is that we are too lazy to register for voting. MAGAs always show up and vote, while sane people can’t be bothered to register.

    If more people had voted, Trump would have lost in 2016 by landslide. Republicans are TERRIFIED of high voter turnout. They have admitted that quite openly

    Voter registration ends on October 7th (in some states). Hurry up! Register for voting. Remind literally everyone you know to register. Registering yourself won’t be enough.

    I repeat: remind every. Single. Person. You can’t imagine how much impact 30 seconds of small talk can do.

  2. Public-Baseball-6189 on

    These fucking idiots are too short sighted to understand that migrant labor is the reason shit isn’t MORE expensive than it is now.

  3. Expensive-Rub-4257 on

    Yes, this happens where I live. You can not get an American picking vegetables in an open field for $15 an hour.

  4. Deport all the migrant workers then impose a 20% tariff on all imports. Brilliant move that surely won’t cause groceries to double in price.

  5. There are huge dairy farms in my area farms that milk 6000 or 8000 cows and their all milked by Mexican immigrants. They all have Trump signs, I so want to stop and ask who the hell will milk the cows if Trump gets elected?

  6. The absolute truth. As well as working in the poultry processing plants, and many trump properties illegally. If they didn’t this country would really be complaining about inflation. It’s reprehensible that the business owners that hire these people still get away with improper labor practices. And horrendous working conditions and pay.

  7. This logic is just as awful as the MAGA nuts tbh. “If you deport these people then who will do our back breaking crap job for way below minimum wage?” or even more simplified “who are we gonna exploit if they’re gone”

  8. PontificatinPlatypus on

    Big Ag won’t even let it happen for that reason. It’s just a lie to appeal to the MAGA losers who are too lazy to learn a few words in Spanish and realize that Pedro and Edwardo are calling *each other* “pendejo gordo,” while ignoring you completely.

  9. I’m sure them MAGA boys will be there bright and early to harvest that lettuce for $4 hr. They have been screaming about migrant workers taking “their” jobs for years after all. No way it is just a dog whistle for racism, right?

    Next time you see an unemployed MAGA be sure to remind them of “their” farming jobs.

  10. This happened in Alabama back in 2011. The state legislature passed HB56, which criminalized not having immigration documents on your person and required police to check the immigration status of anyone suspected of being in the country illegally (read: brown people).

    Migrant workers fled the state en masse, and the result was very predictable. The state’s agriculture industry was crippled as farmers struggled to find workers to harvest crops. Some farmers faced losses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars as unharvested crops rotted in the fields. Ultimately, HB56 cost Alabama’s agriculture, construction, and poultry processing industries a combined $10.8 billion in 2011 before several provisions of the law were revised or repealed.

    And this is what Trump wants to do to the entire country.

    Edit to add that while HB56 included harsh penalties for undocumented workers (or documented workers that just didn’t have their documents on them at the time of their arrest), no provisions were made to criminalize the hiring of these workers.

  11. “Immigration” and the “Wall” are the biggest lies ever. You want to stop or kill immigration, go after the companies that pay them. That’ll stop it real quick. They don’t want to stop about it, they just gripe about it, and then keep paying immigrants next to nothing under the table.

  12. Been trying to explain this to MAGA supporters. Deporting 20M people will be expensive, disrupt the supply chain and drive up inflation.

    So will adding 20% tariffs on everything.

    4 more years of Trump would be a disaster, why so many Americans support a morally bankrupt, pathologically lying, malignant narcissist is beyond me.

  13. Quirky_Phone_4762 on

    So, me and all the “tough” teen kids I knew tried working in the fields and processing plants in Uvalde, TX in the 90s…75% dropped out before the end of the week. We were paid a few dollars under the table per hr cuz it was illegal to work…Entire illegal families would gladly participate and kick our asses daily, production-wise…I lasted 2 wks outdoors and one month processing vegetables indoor, no AC in the summer in south Texas was brutal, NEVER less than 100*. A few of us used it as a way to get ready for 2-adays football training….it was rough fucking work..i remember feeling weak and deconditioned next to them as they passed me up in those rows as i considered myself one of the teams better athletes. You couldn’t pay today’s snowflake kids 25$+/hr to do that work…yall have NO IDEA! Cheap labor from either Migrants or slaves has made American the prosperous nation that we enjoy. We need to prepare our state and nation for the future through education and training. Sadly, our Republican overseers instead focus on ANYTHING but helping its people…#LESSHATE #BLUETEXAS

  14. ditchdiggergirl on

    I don’t think MAGA voters eat vegetables anyway. It’s the meat packing plants that will hit them where it hurts.

  15. Jokes on you, OP, if you think MAGA voters eat salad.

    Salad’s liburul food…like Dijon mustard or arugula.

  16. Republicans play this tightrope game where they want all immigrants gone- But continue to hire them every picking season.

    I remember when Florida was passing legislation- Immigrants started leaving in droves for other states- The Florida GOP in a panic said “GUYS! We WeRe OnLy PrEtEnDiNg! PlS CoMe BaCk!”

  17. Imagine housing costs when he deports 30% of the available construction workers

    cooks. gardeners. maids. shits about to get expensive.

  18. Yep. Food will rot in the fields and with no one to pick and pack it supply falls and food prices skyrocket. That’s the thing these idiot MAGAs so worked up don’t understand. These people are doing g jobs no one else will do and if it doesn’t get done the MAGAts are the ones who will suffer. You need and want migrant labor to bring in the harvest.

  19. They have a plan to deal with this shortage of cheap labor. Why do you think the right wants to dismantle the public school system? Why are ghouls like Huckabee Sanders rolling back child labor laws? Put it together.