Americans do not agree

Posted by JimKB


  1. Novel_Alternative_86 on

    Can we at least agree to tone down the dangerous rhetoric, you extreme leftist, socialist, Marxist, that are hellbent on destroying our country? Thanks.

  2. AwesomeBrainPowers on

    > “*I* don’t want to see you burned at the stake: My preferred candidate does, and I disagree with him on that, but he promises to give my employer a tax break, and I just *know* that’ll trickle down to me this time!”

  3. Santos_L_Halper_II on

    “I had to do this because I saw someone’s pronouns in their email signature and it really upset me.”

  4. People always say its not healthy and/or right to be upset at or hate someome for political differences, but i think that idea itself is toxic. If you support a child rapist, who directly caused countless people to die through his intentionally refusing to act, who oversaw the greatest heist of wealth by the billionair class in hostory, im sorry but you are straight up just not a good person. You are a contemptable person, and i dont want that in my life. Thats not rhetoric, those are objective facts and thats how i feel abiut people who defend someone like that. You defend him then you are dead to me. Period.

  5. Raidingmailman on

    I typically draw the line voting for you if a jury your own lawyers agreed were fair and impartial convict you of sexual assault. But that’s just me.

  6. Politics used to be like two people on a group project where they both wanted an A but they just disagreed on how to get there.

    Now it’s like being with a partner that has some weird incentive to get an F because they want to get kicked out of school or something.

  7. They let moronic pundits or preachers brainwash them to hate and demonize, convincing them everything progressive is a slippery slope to doom.

  8. If you look at rhetoric and actions its just MAGA that wants to eradicate everyone that doesn’t conform to
    To their view of what a good American should be.

  9. Master_Shoulder_9657 on

    this is not about political views. This is about right from wrong and good versus evil… never in American history we had such an objective choice. If this was 2012, sure, it was about political differences…. Not this time. if you support Donald Trump for any reason, its not a matter of opinions, you’re just wrong. Period

  10. “Politics” can encompass almost anything and everything about who a person is and what they stand for in life, broadly speaking. So I don’t really agree with box number 3 at all. You can tell a lot about who a person is based on political questions and answers, plenty enough to know if you want to continue to associate with them or not.

  11. Sixfeatsmall05 on

    I zero interest in knowing or being friendly with MAGAts. Sorry not sorry. I appreciate that Trump allowed me to see what people really thought so that I could avoid them

  12. Yea I’m becoming increasingly unamused by ppl who are making politics their personality

  13. Fictional_Historian on

    The problem with American politics right now is that it’s not really just “politics”. We have one party trying to substantially overhaul the way our nation works at its foundation lead by a mafia boss criminal. So it’s like. More existential and factors into many many different aspects of Americans daily lives. “Politics” would be like “I think we should allocate this to the budget.” “Okay if we do that we need a favor to do this” “okay I can make that work” “okay” 🤝 but todays American “politics” is literally affecting Americans in every aspect of their life so things are so polarized that it feels impossible to have a relationship with someone on the other side because the way their daily life is lived is antithetical to so many ways yours is lived.

  14. Wondernautilus on

    Every problem in this country has a name and address, and sleep like babies every night.

  15. “We don’t have to agree, you just have to do everything I tell you, the way I tell you to.” every Republican in office.