Ubisoft director blames gamers, says they’ve been exposed as ‘non-decent humans’



  1. It would probably hit different if it was someone from QA and not the director of monetization. Oof.

  2. It would probably different if it was someone from QA and not the director of monetization. Oof.

  3. Honest-War7492 on

    TIL Ubisoft is run by directors with absolutely zero business education.

    Who let this idiot speak to a news outlet?

    Edit: oh brother. Just read that they posted it to LinkedIn. That checks out.

  4. DragonSoundFromMiami on

    Is there a company in gaming (or just in general) that has shown more hate and disrespect towards their own customers like Ubisoft?

    And not even in a procedural BTS “let’s monetize everything and squeeze every penny from these fuckers” way. Straight up saying shit like “customers are worthless sacks of meat”

  5. He’s talking about the online vitriol and hate he receives, which I think pretty much everyone knows can be very toxic coming from the gaming community. I don’t really see the issue with what he said?

  6. For context: this guy is not director of monetization for all of ubisoft. He is a monetization director for a specific game. Not sure if the article is trying to mislead or it’s just lazy reporting.

  7. If I’m reading their comment charitably they’d seem to be talking about people gloating in the replies to people announcing they were laid off, which is definitely an asshole things to do

  8. If we’re being generous I think he might be referring to the insane amount of layoffs across the gaming industry this year, perhaps drawing a connection between schadenfreude at seeing a behemoth like Ubisoft belly flop and the seemingly endless attrition those in the gaming industry are experiencing. But that’s passing the buck, the layoffs are a direct result of AI and corporate greed *not* fans being vocal about paying $120 for a subpar game (I know the base game is $70, but as the head of monetization it’s his job to make you want to buy the super-duper-ultra deluxe-pro-season pass version of the game). It’s been a long time since Ubisoft delivered a great game, Outlaws feels like Avatar with a new skin, which felt like Far Cry with a new skin which felt like Assassin’s Creed with a new skin. It’s all the same- and as consumers we’re expected to give money for old rope, and now this guy wants us to doff our cap in gratitude as well?

  9. WrongSubFools on

    No, he didn’t. He was referring to people in the industry.

    He said there are two groups of people calling for Ubisoft’s downfall. One is gamers (putting “gamers” in quotes, and noting that this is just a vocal minority of players), and seeing them say that is sad. The other group, which he finds more revolting, is people within the industry who post on LinkedIn that they want Ubisoft to fail. It’s to this second group that he said you’re “exposing yourself as a clearly non-decent human being.”

    >”The gaming industry is rough at the moment, we all know it. But seeing how “gamers” react on social medias, wishing ill-fate to companies and people alike is sad. (And not only towards Ubisoft. Even though it is always the vocal minority that express themselves on social media, I was hurt, hurt and ashamed to be part of this community.”

    >”What is even more revolting, is coming on LinkedIn and seeing the same comments from people within the industry. On top of exposing yourself as a clearly non-decent human being, you are affecting thousands of employees that are already impacted by all the hate despite doing their best to deliver incredible experiences.”

  10. Active_Dish_986 on

    This is a misleading title. Read his actual comment. He did not call gamers non decent humans, he called other people in his industry, aka coworkers, who are cheering on ubisofts downfall non decent people because they’re already receiving enough hate from gamers themselves. And he didn’t blame people, all he’s saying is that it’s sad people cheer on the loss of jobs

  11. He’s honestly right. But at the end of the day, your consumer base is your base. Deal with it and make products that appeal to them , pivot to a different sector (impossible), or go out of business.

  12. EnoughDatabase5382 on

    The target of his “non-decent human” remark is not gamers, but rather his colleagues in the gaming industry. When he does critique gamers, he’s careful to specify that he’s talking about a “vocal minority” of them. I don’t believe he warrants criticism.

  13. The clickbait headline and misrepresentation of this “article” is 10x worse than what the guy said

  14. Ubisoft may be shit at making games atm, but tweaktown is such a dishrag lmao distorting what he said to make a mountain out of molehill. Which is ironic considering what the guy actually said

  15. The source (the money guy in marketing) is bullshit but part of the message is legit: Wishing for rank and file devs to lose their livelihoods because of design decisions they didn’t make sucks…and it happens way more often than it should.

    Go after the actual decision makers for shitty decisions? Sure, that’s their job and they should have to deal with the results of their decisions. Going after the people below them who are simply implementing what they’ve been told to? That, fellow redditors, is simply bullshit, unnecessary, and…to use Ubisoft’s own term…non-decent.

  16. He didn’t blame gamers, he was calling industry members on LinkedIn who echoe the same sentiment for the downfall of a company non decent humans.

  17. parkrangercarl on

    >On top of exposing yourself as a non-decent human being…

    >We are all on the same boat, please please please, stop spreading hate, we should all uplift each other instead of bringing each other down.

    If mr ubisoft director wants people to come together in a purely positive way, they probably shouldn’t first call them “non-decent human beings.” They’re guilty of the same “vocal minority” expressing themselves on social media that they’re complaining about. Be critical of the gaming or dev community if you wish, but don’t ask people to hold themselves to a higher standard if you don’t meet that same threshold of integrity and professionalism.

  18. The hyperbolic headlines continue. Ubisoft director has threatened to murder every single gamer on the planet! He has obtained plutonium and is in the process of building a bomb.

  19. PorQuePanckes on

    Classic, our studio keeps dropping bombs it’s definitely not us and it’s definitely the customers.

  20. nsfwuseraccnt on

    If people won’t buy your shitty games, that’s a YOU problem. Did these companies forget why they exist?

  21. Look there are a lot of awful people coming after this assassins creed game and even Star Wars outlaws. There ARE bad actors. But also they keep making bland games with the mechanical depth of a puddle. They’re known for that now. The worst people are the loudest but they’re not the only ones unhappy with their games.

  22. Let’s make the same open world game with massive amount of map markers and grind loops, toss in an in-game store and resell that every couple years. Also let’s make different priced versions of those games too! Gamers will love that!

    No? Then gamers on non-decent humans.

  23. Ubisoft has been exposed as a non-decent game developer. They have been crapping out absolute garbage for years now. Tom Clancy is spinning in his grave over the trash they’re putting his name on.

  24. I mean, he’s right. Many people I interact with in online video games are horrible racist hateful people.

  25. iamnotabotplzdunban on

    That’s absolutely adorable that he thinks that. Kind of crazy who companies will hire and permit to actually speak…

  26. He’s technically not wrong but you shouldn’t say that to your potential customers lol