Hi all! It's that time of year again.

So, in some states and territories, there's going to be a daylight saving time change happening overnight. If I understand it correctly, at 2am, we move the clocks forward so it will be 3am.

ABC News article about it: When does daylight saving start in Australia in 2024? Do clocks go back or forward? – ABC News

Also, a bonus link I have is for the Fairwork website, on what happens if you work overnight during a daylight saving time change: Daylight saving starts on Sunday 6 October – Fair Work Ombudsman

Quote from them:

Daylight saving starts on Sunday 6 October. At 2 am, clocks go forward one hour to 3 am in:

-Australian Capital Territory

-New South Wales

-South Australia



Daylight saving doesn’t apply in all states and territories. There is no change to the time in:

-Northern Territory


-Western Australia.

Sorry if my post is annoying in any way. I just figured I'd let people know, just in case they might have forgotten. Even if the time doesn't change for you, you may need to know, if you deal with people from other states/ territories.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Daylight Saving Time Changes Happen Tonight.
byu/DeadLettersSociety inaustralia


  1. haha .. fuck daylight savings.. especially this week.
    My alarm is set for 5:35 on work days.. so Tuesday, yeah, it’ll be going off at 5:35 like usual, but my body will think it’s 4:35..
    I had a message from work yesterday asking if I can start early on Wednesday.. I mean, I have to be AT work by 5 AM. so that means my alarm is going to be set for, I dunno, 4:15 .. but my body… well, it won’t have a clue.

  2. Asked someone if clocks go forward or back… he replied with “spring forward.” Which i thought is clever, and i think i may just be able to remember which way clocks go in spring from now on (i.e spring/bounce forward)

    So looking forward to it … Recently, I’ve been waking up at 4.30am and not falling back to sleep. Atleast from tomorrow it’ll be 5.30 and semi decent time to just get up

    A bit of a side story…

    Edit : fixed about 100 typos … given the early wake up and lack of sleep .. ha

  3. christurnbull on

    In WA, I always struggle to remember Queensland not being in daylight savings.

    I think we’re waiting for them to adopt it and then do would we, as well as the remaining NT.

    All on daylight savings, or all off, in my opinion.

  4. Remember to move your furniture away from the windows a bit, so the fabric doesn’t fade once daylight savings kicks in

  5. IAmCaptainDolphin on

    Can we just stop using DST? It’s detrimental to everybody’s health and costs us a surprising amount of money.

  6. It’ll help, my dog’s been waking up at 6:30am wanting breakfast like nope wait your hour

  7. Can’t wait. My body clock is synced with the sun, I’ve been waking up at 4.30/5 and going to bed at 9pm for the last month. DST will give it a kick back into a more normal timeslot.

  8. VIC has dropped the ball again and scheduled an end to school holidays tomorrow, meaning a whole state full of kids having to adjust from holiday sleep-ins AND going back to school an hour early on Monday. Brutal.

  9. knowledgeable_diablo on

    Live in QLD and my phone goes fucking cuckoo every time daylight savings kicks in.

  10. god damn it all to hell. That time of year when I think I get up nice and early and then nope 1 hour has been stolen from me and now I am behind schedule for my plans of the day.

  11. Looking forward to my kids not getting up at 5-5.30 because “the sun is outside, it’s time to get up” ha.

  12. OrwellTheInfinite on

    Thank fuck i live in WA. Daylight savings has to be the single most idiotic idea ever invented.

  13. neontownescape on

    If it’s anything like last year, my phone will move forward an hour for no reason as I’m in Qld (and nowhere near the border).

  14. I love DLS! Been looking forward to it for so long. I keep waking up at 4:30 every day anyway, so I’m glad that from tomorrow it’ll actually be a normal time to wake up

  15. Whatisgoingon3631 on

    I don’t mind daylight savings time, but 6 months of the year is a bit much for me. 4 would be ok, even 3, I hate getting up in the dark to go to work.

  16. As someone from an affected state, can we abolish this already? Not for the gigantic societal and economical implications, I just really want to avoid the aneurism listening to people justify it.

  17. Yay, time for 6 months of feeling tired as shit. I hate this so much. I’m already having to get up at 5 as it is.

  18. Bring on the glorious late sunsets! Gives a sense of relaxing summer vibes to everything.

  19. Yes ! I’ve gone a whole cycle without changing the clock in the car ! Tomorrow it will be the correct time again 😎. And they said I was mad … well lazy actually, but I avoided having to read the fucking manual again because I never remember how to do it so all good 👍.

  20. It’s gonna be so weird when we finally rip the band-aid off and get rid of it. Guarantee within a year all the arguments for it will dissolve and people will have forgotten why we did it in the first place.