1. Israel decapitation was so successful that the following IDF invasion of south Lebanon faced several perfectly executed ambush, several deaths and material losses and an hastily retreat to avoid annihilation. Hezbollah and Hamas are organizations specialized in diffused, flexible leadership. Which is reasonable since they actually never had the need to perform brigate level manoeuvres. Russia doctrine employs a very top down gerarchic structure with extremely limited flexibility even for high officers. ukr command structure is marginally better. Ukr is aiming for command posts from the beginning of the war. As Rusky. So nothing new.

  2. SomeoneRandom007 on

    Putin shouldn’t own a pager… lol

    It is conceivable that Israel and Ukraine are talking because Russia is friends with Iran and Hezbollah.

    Ukraine must seriously consider whether it would be worth replacing Putin. Putin is evil, but would his replacement be better? In WWII, the British drew up plans, called Operation Foxley, to kill Hitler, but decided against it as Hitler was such a bad leader of the military that it was likely his replacement would fight more effectively.